IT’S TWO O’CLOCK INthe morning. I hear footsteps just outside my bedroom window. Is it Ma? Adair? They wouldn’t be outside at this time. I peer out the window. A shadow of a person is walking toward our barn.
Fucking assholes trying to steal our chickens again! You’d think they’d be smart enough not to come by the fucking house.
I go into my hamper, pulling out a pair of jeans and a wool sweater. I slip on the moccasins by my end table. Not the best to wear outside, but I don’t hear any rain, so...
Finally, I get on my hands and knees. I pull Pop’s shotgun out from under my bed and hold it while leaving my room.
“Where are you going?”
It’s Ma. She’s standing in the hall, clutching the cross-pendant dangling from the chain around her neck.
“Going to see who’s outside and what they want.”
“You know how to shoot that?”
“Of course I do. I’m a man. Is Adair still sleeping?” I ask.
“Yes, he hasn’t woken up.”
“Just makes sure he stays inside. He thinks he’s tough, but he’s not.”
I head out the door, pointing the shotgun in front of me with my finger on the trigger. I move slowly so as not to be heard. The chickens start going crazy in their coop. I run in that direction. Why can’t these basturts get their own chickens? I know it’s been hard around here lately, but come on.
I lean against the tool shed beside the chicken coop, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes to prepare myself. I’ve never done anything like this before. I turn the corner sharply, pointing the gun straight ahead.
“Get the hell away from my chickens!”
A lass screams. A girl? They sent a girl? I put my gun down. No... It’s the beautiful tourist girl from the bakery this morning.
“What? What are you doing here?” I ask.
“I-I was just playing with the chickens!”
“You were playing with my chickens? Who plays with chickens? Chickens don’t play!”
“Sure they do, see!” She points at them. They’re running erratically in circles and screaming.
“They’re terrified, for Christ’s sake. That’s fear! Also, it’s the middle of the night. You woke us all up!”
“Sorry... I’m sorry. I wanted to see you! I left a note on the front door for you. Then I heard chickens and—”
“You left me a note?” I smile. “Better hope my mum doesn’t see it. She doesn’t want me near any girls.”
“Why not?”
“She thinks I’m girl crazy. I should be focusing on my responsibilities and God.” I laugh.
“Are you girl crazy?”
She laughs too.
“What’s your name?” I ask.