He steps outside and closes the door quietly behind him. “Jillian is sleeping.”
“At one o’clock in the afternoon?”
“She works nights now. Makes more money.”
“Good for her. So, how much will you charge me for just a couple of pills?”
“Just a couple? Free.”
“Free? This is why you suck at what you do.”
“It’s not free for everyone. Just you.”
“No way! I want to pay for them.”
“How are you about to pay for them, Hals?”
“With cash!” I pull my wallet out of my purse and hold it up for him to see. He licks his lips a little, like he’s tempted and wants to know more.
“Oh yeah? Where’d you get that?”
“From Peter.”
“He didn’t give you money to buy Oxys.”
“No. He gave me money to buy groceries.”
“You are such a piece of shit. Worse than I am.” He laughs, looks up at the sky, and shakes his head back and forth slowly.
“I am not worse than you are! I have enough cash to buy both.”
“I’m not taking his money. I’m better than that.”
“You are? Because the exact reason why we broke up is I caught you taking his money.”
“Well, Igrew.You should try it. I’m a bigger man now, and I’m making mad money.”
There’s no way he “grew.” He’s a damn Taurus! Tauruses don’t grow.
“Really? I don’t believe you.”
“Oh yeah,” he says, so sure of himself.
“Then why are you still sleeping on Ryan’s floor?”
“Haven’t found the right place yet.”
“Whatever. Here’s twenty dollars. How many can that get me?” I pull the cash out of my wallet.
“I told you. It’s free for you.”
I don’t have time for this. I turn my head and fold my arms, biting my bottom lip. How much could it possibly hurt to just take them? It’s fine, right?
“Fine! Just give them to me. I still have to get to the store.”
“Under one condition.”
“Forget it. Fuck off.” I put my cash back in my wallet and begin to walk away.