
“It’s my story—”

“Exactly. Why do I ever expect anything else from you?”

“I don’t know. I could ask myself the same question. Why do I ever expect anything else from you?”

“Why do you love me, then?”

That was gallus. I stare at her.

“I never used that word.”

“But I know you do. You let me live here, free of rent or any bills. You cook my meals. I had the best birthday I’ve ever had yesterday with you. You’ve gotten nothing in return from me. I don’t really know what love is, but if I had to guess, I would say that’s it.”

I don’t answer her. Instead, I walk out of the room and shut the door behind me. Maybe when I get back from work I’ll have an answer to her question, but right now... I just don’t.

Chapter Nine


ISIT UP IN BED. IT’Sdark. I can hear the TV playing downstairs. I didn’t know the volume went that high.


I grab my robe from my bedpost and enter the dark hallway. I’m so out of breath already... I can do this.

Danny’s bedroom door is ajar. I stop and push it open the rest of the way. He’s out cold. One of his arms is dangling off the bed. I don’t know how he hasn’t woken up from all the noise. I close his door, quietly but securely.

I continue making my way down the hall. Peter should be home from work by now. I wonder what he’s doing? I peer into his room. His bed is neatly made. He’s not in it.

I creep down the stairs slowly, gripping the banister. After a few short breaths, I start coughing, but it doesn’t wake them. The TV illuminates their faces. Peter is lying across the couch. His eyes are closed. He’s still in his work uniform. It’s unlike him to fall asleep in “outside clothes,” but I see why he did. His arms are wrapped around Hayley. Her head is snuggled into his chest. The quilt my mother knitted lays on top of them both.

I walk to the coffee table in front of them, pick up the remote, and turn off the TV. Somehow, this startles Peter. He sits up and turns on the light next to the couch. He’s wide awake now. Hayley sits up next to him and slowly rubs her eyes.

“I was trying not to wake you,” I say quietly.

“I was awake.” He stands and fixes his shirt.

“Your eyes were closed.”

He closes his eyes again. “Well, I was awake,” he says with his eyes still shut. “You see how that’s possible?” He opens them again.

He’s so sarcastic. It’s a defense mechanism, I think.

“It’s not a problem, Peter.”

“It is. You should be resting. It’s very late. Please go back to bed, Melissa. You’re sick.”

“Hard to sleep with the TV that loud. I’m not sure how all three of you managed to do it.”

Peter looks at Hayley who’s still drowsy-eyed. She shrugs.

“You could have turned it lower too, Peter.” I want him to know he’s just as responsible for the noise as she is. I’m holding him to a higher standard now. He still has to prove himself if he wants my blessing to adopt Danny.

He looks back at me now with guilt and anxiety. “I know. I’m sorry. Please go back to bed.”

When he walks toward the kitchen, I follow. Hayley stays on the couch.