“You can’t believe me? Meanwhile, this guy is hiding money from you!”

“Our rent is over two thousand dollars!”

“Oh...What? That’s so much money for this dump!” He puts the box back down on Peter’s bed.

“You need to put everything back in his closet the exact way you found it. He’s going to be so pissed. Fuck!”

“I will, I will.”

Tristian picks some of Peter’s shirts up off the floor. As he does, two rolls of cash fall out of the pockets of his jeans.

“Are you serious?”


I pick up the rolls and hold them in front of his face.

“Oh, so youweretaking money from us?” I stuff the rolls in my pocket.

“I was borrowing money.”

“You had no plan to pay Peter back, Tristian. Stop lying! We wouldn’t be able to pay our bills if you kept this up.”

“I was only going to do it once. I owe Ryan product. Product thatyousmoked. So technically, you owe him!”

“You didn’t tell me anything that I smoked was supposed to go to Ryan.”

“Well, it was.”

“That is not my problem, Tristian!”

I pick the rest of Peter’s clothes up off of the floor and place them on his bed. Tristian’s watching me, like he’s judging me. I should be judging him!

“Can you just leave?” I ask.

I go to Peter’s closet and pull some hangers off the rod.


“I asked if you’d leave. I have so much to put away before Peter gets home.”

“So, you’re mad at me?”

I laugh sarcastically. “Yes. I am. I trusted you with a key. I was out trying to get an unemployment check for us, and you’re here stealing. I told you Peter said he would kick me out. Then where would I go? You said I can’t stay with you... I don’t know. I have to think!”

I put one of Peter’s shirts on a hanger and brush it off. I walk over to the closet and hang it back up on the rod.

“Oh, come on, Hals. I thought you said what’s mine is yours.”

“That does not include what is Peter’s. FYI, Peter and me are two different people! I really don’t see where the confusion is coming from.”

“I don’t know. You sure are acting like him.”

I knew he was judging me. I knew it!

“Can you please leave? Really? Give me your key.”
