Of course.

We reach Matt’s apartment. He opens the door. “Come inside. I want you to see my set-up.”

“What set-up?”

“I have a PlayStation in my room, with my own TV and everything. It’s epic!”

“Okay.” I follow him inside.

He has a first-floor apartment, but other than that, Matt’s place looks just like ours: crappy and small. I guess all the apartments here are laid out the same way. They have more furniture and stuff, though.

Matt introduces me to his mom. She asks if we want a snack, and Matt suggests pizza rolls. She smiles really big and says she’ll make some, then tells us to do our homework. I don’t want to do my homework with him. He’ll be such an asshole about it.

“Let me show you my room.” He walks down the familiar hallway, and I follow.

His room is the same size as mine. He has some cool car posters hanging on the wall and a bigger bed.

“Ta-dah!” He points to a TV on a small table with two beanbag chairs in front of it.

“Yeah. Nice.”

“Isn’t it awesome? I told my mom I want to get a mini-fridge in here too. She said next week, probably. Want to play something?”

“Okay, but I should text my brother and let him know I’m here.”

I pull out my phone and send Peter a text. I don’t want to see his response. He’s overly excited about the thought of me having a friend. I never should have told him about Matt. Who needs friends when they’re like him? Why am I even here?

I shove my phone back into my pocket. Maybe Matt’s mom feels the same way Peter does. Maybe that’s why she seemed so happy to make us a snack.

“Let’s playCall Of Duty,” he says as he sits on his beanbag chair.



“Do you have any friends other than me?”

Wow... That was kinda harsh. I didn’t realize till it came out of my mouth.

“Of course I do!”

“I just never see you with anyone else.”

“Do you have any friends other than me? No! Because you’re the new kid.” He picks up the controller.

True. I pick up my controller too.

“I was just thinking,” I say. “Maybe we’ll get more friends if we both make the lacrosse team.”

“I’m not trying out for the lacrosse team to make friends. I’m trying out to kick ass!”

I scratch my head and squint my eyes.

“Why are you making that dumb face, Danny?”

Oh my God.

“I’m not making a dumb face. I’m just scratching my head. Chill.”