“You usually don’t want to make drinks when you get home.”

“Because I do it all night long.” I continue looking through the cabinets, shuffling other kitchen gadgets aside, but I don’t see it. “Where the fuck could I have—”

“I guess I just don’t understand what you’re doing,” she interrupts me.

I stop digging and look at her. “I’m going out. Just like how you go out. With Tristian? Like that.”

I go back to searching, opening the drawer under the sink. There it is! In the way, way back. I grab it and hold it up for her to see. I twirl it around in my fingers and stare at it.

“Wait. With a woman?”

I throw the jigger up in the air and try to catch it. I nearly drop it, but I make a smooth recovery. I raise my eyebrows and look back and forth between her and the jigger.

“Uh, yeah. With a woman.”

She rolls her eyes. “So, you met someone? Did you show her that little trick?”

“Yeah, in fact, I did. Wasn’t it incredible?”

“Sure. So, you’re leaving now. What time will you be home?”

“I might sleep there, if I can.”

“And leave me here to take care of Danny? I told you—”

“He’s thirteen. You don’t need to take care of him. He’s sleeping right now, anyway. Since when does that bother you?”

“Where’d you meet this hoe?”

Maybe she’s jealous? Jackpot.

“I met her at work. I don’t know why you care. You cheated on me, said everything about me is boring, and now you’re mad? Grow up.” I drop the jigger in a black plastic bag along with a bottle of vodka, lemons, and schnapps.

“I’m mad because you’re leaving me here with Danny. I’m not mad that you somehow found a dumb bitch to have bland-ass sex with.”

“Leave me alone!” I snap back at her.

“Fine. Goodbye.”

Thank God she walked away. I take a deep breath, walk into the living room, and eye the key hook on the wall. I don’t see my car keys.

“Wait. Hayley, wait. I, uh... I need the car.” I rub my forehead as she laughs from the other room. “I pay for the car. It’s my car. Give me the keys.”

“Come find them.”

Fuck. I look at my phone. Shit, it’s late. I guess I better start looking.

Chapter Nineteen


IOPEN MY EYES SLOWLYand look up at the ceiling. I’m starting to devise a plan.

How can I sneak away from my work and not get caught? Maybe I can head toward the coop and begin to clean it. Ma usually doesn’t come outside unless she’s hanging out the laundry, which I think she just did a couple of days ago. Even if she does come outside, I doubt she’ll check on me or notice I’m gone. I’ll be fine. No one will—

“Get up time! It’s get up time!”

Adair flings open my door and jumps onto the bed with me.