“It was fine. Danny tore apart the linen closet looking for a specific towel.”

“He only likes to use the gray ones, not the blue ones.”

“That’s stupid.”

“I told you, a lot of things in my life are stupid. Did he pick everything up?”

“No. I did.”

“You should have made him do it, but thank you.”

“Yeah...and I found something I wanted to talk to you about.”

Crap! What did she find? Fuck! I feel myself start to sweat.

“A life insurance policy,” she continues.

Oh, that’s all?


“Why didn’t you tell me you’re paying for that? That’s stupid!”

“You think a lot of things are stupid lately, Hayley.”

“Because they are stupid. You’re not dying any time soon. It’s a waste of money.”

“I’m not paying for it.”

“Oh, so it’s free?”

“No. When it was decided that both of you two would be moving in with me, Melissa bought a life insurance policy. Then if anything happened to me, you guys would be okay. I told you I wasn’t the favorite. She used all of her savings to protect you two. All of that money could have very well gone to her sister.”


“Yeah.” I turn over completely and caress her cheek gently. “Can I do this?”


I push her pretty red hair out of her face and look into her eyes.

“Peter,” she says, “I’m having such a hard time.”


“Quitting. I don’t know if I can do it. It’s getting really difficult. I’ve been taking these stupid fucking pills since I was sixteen years old.”

“It sounds hard,” I respond, “but I’m here to help you however I can. Okay?”

“I know you are...”

“I know why I love you.”


I’d thought about it long and hard at work today, and she should hear it. She needs to hear it.

“You asked me why I love you before I left for work.”