“Fine,” I say, putting the can of Pepsi to my mouth.

“That’s good. Did you show the boys the new stuff we bought this morning? I know you were excited to do that.”

“Yeah, I showed them.”

“Did they like your cleats?”

“I guess.”

Hayley sits next to me and unclips her shoes. She’s wearing a big, shiny necklace.

“Where’d you get that necklace from?”

“I bought it for her. For her birthday,” Peter says.


Hayley stands back up. She carries her shoes into her bedroom without saying anything. I hear her door shut quietly. Oh, sure, ignore me.

“So, did everyone at least eat what I bought?” Peter asks. “Or were they too disgusted?”

“Too disgusted. Matt’s mom couldn’t believe you would even have the nerve to buy such unhealthy things for us growing boys to eat.”

“Oh yeah? Is she the one who gave you that soda too, or is that a different Matt’s mum?”

I look down at the Pepsi in my hand.

“That’s a different Matt’s mom. There are two Matts. Actually, no... What I mean is Matt has two moms.”

“You really are something else, Danny.”

“Why? Can’t a guy have two moms? This is the twenty-first century!”

“Danny.” He sighs.


He walks over to the couch and sits next to me. “I know this isn’t about the spinach dip.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You didn’t want me to go out with Hayley tonight, did you?”

“BECAUSE I FREAKING HATE HER!” I throw the empty Pepsi can onto the floor.

“Why, though? You two get along sometimes.”

“Sometimes? Hardly! She’s obnoxious and lazy. All she does is drugs all day and argues with you, and me...and everyone. You have to work two jobs because she won’t even work one. I never get to see you. All you do is work. I just want her to leave!”

“She’s not doing drugs.”

“Are you serious? At Melissa’s she got high EVERY DAY. Don’t lie to me and tell me that she just stopped.”

“Have you seen her take pills in the apartment?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean anything. She hides in her room a lot, and then she’s a zombie on the couch. I’m not freaking dumb. You think I’m the dumbest person alive, and I’m not!”

“Well, then, I’ll tell you the truth. Can you handle the truth?”