“No!” I laugh. “They taught us how to square dance in gym class, that’s about it.”
“Dancing in a square?”
I groan and put my head down on the table. When I rise, I prop my chin on my forearm.
“Are you asking me to dance, Peter?”
“Will you dance with me, Hayley?” He stands and puts his hand out.
I look down at his open hand, then up at his face. I think about it for a moment.
“Sure... Yeah, why not?”
We walk together, fingers interlocked, over to the dance floor. My heart flutters. Do I really feel this way about Peter? I mean, we aren’t even a good match astrologically... Then again, neither are Tristian and I. Stars don’t lie, right? Maybe I’m just confused. Maybe I only feel this way right now because he’s really good at this...this...dating thing.
We face each other, and he gently grasps my other hand. Our foreheads touch since we’re practically the same height and all. We start to dance, swaying slowly.
“You’re pretty good at this.” His breath smells like spearmint and wine, a big improvement compared to Tristian’s Cheetos and weed.
“You’re better than I thought you’d be too.”
“Oh yeah?” he asks. “Did you think I was going to be a clodhopper?”
“I don’t know. I never danced like this before.”
“Me either. I’m glad I’m not as bad as you imagined.”
“You’re not bad. You’re really not bad at all.”
I look directly into his eyes. I feel safe and wanted. I feel important and first. His face looks different tonight, but why? What is it? Maybe it’s the wine. Or not so much the wine itself, but the winery...the glass walls instead of chipped paint, the music instead of the TV. Maybe it’s not who we are, but where we are.
“Oh!” He pulls his head away from mine. “I got you a birthday present.”
“I thought this was the present.”
He reaches into his pocket. “No. I got you a gift. I hope you like it.”
He pulls a small box out of his pocket and flips it open. It’s a necklace, a diamond-framed pendant with a red stone in the center.
“Is that a garnet?”
“It’s your birthstone. I ordered it last week, and it just arrived this morning. I lucked out, I guess.”
“That’s— Wow! I don’t have any jewelry.”
“Do you not like jewelry? I can return it. The policy is—”
“No, no! I like jewelry. I just never... No one ever bought me jewelry before. Who would? I have no one, and Tristian... He—”
“Can I put it on you?”
“Yes.” I turn around and lift my hair. He places the chain around my neck, fastens the clasp, and runs his hands onto my shoulders. I turn back to face him. He smiles and stares.
“What?” I ask.
“You’re just... You’re so beautiful, Hayley.”