“Get the fuck out of here. Get out. Get out!”
He stands. “You telling me what to do, little man?”
“Yeah. I’m telling you to get out.”
He walks toward me. I shove him with all my strength. He stumbles but doesn’t fall. He just looks angry. I probably shouldn’t have done that. He’s much taller than me, by at least half a foot—maybe more. Perhaps I could take him strategically, but he has something in his pocket. The outline looks like a knife. I decide I won’t fight him and back away.
The sliding glass door opens. We both look to my left. Hayley’s coming inside from the balcony.
“Tristian was just leaving,” I say.
“Because he’s kicking me out.”
“What. Why?” Hayley asks.
“He’s disrespecting me,” I answer.
“Why? Because there were Cheetos on the table? Calm down, Peter,” Hayley responds.
“More than that.”
“What, then?”
“I... Nothing. I just want him out of here, and I don’t want him back. Ever. I need to get ready for work. Just...please. Give me some time.”
I walk down the hall and into my bedroom. I can hear Hayley say something to him, but I’m not sure what. The next thing I hear is the front door shut.
She’s listening to me. She’s actually listening to me.
MATT AND I WALK FROMthe bus stop to his apartment. He talks the whole time. I say close to nothing. If he was a real friend, he wouldn’t constantly be saying how easy the math work is. He’s such a show-off.
“Yeah, and my cousin has this huge house! They’re basically rich. His mom works for the railroad. Do you know how much they get paid? It’s a lot. Probably ten times more than what your brother makes at both of his jobs combined.”
What is wrong with this kid?
“Oh yeah? Probably ten times more than what your parents make too, since webothlive here.”
Got him. I’m celebrating my comeback in my head.
“Well, I’m going to his house this weekend,” he says. “They have the biggest TV I’ve ever seen. Maybe you can playRocket Leaguewith us from home.”
“Yeah. I have other things I like to do more than video games.”
“I’m going to try out for the lacrosse team tomorrow.”
“Really? Maybe I will too.”
Great. I should have kept my mouth shut. One more thing he can try to beat me at.
“I didn’t know you liked sports.”
“I love anything competitive.”