“I’m going to take care of it. Just please, go sit in the car.”

He takes the keys from my hand. I think he’s about to argue further, but then Tristian stands and walks toward us. I shoot Danny a look that tells him I’m not kidding around, and he runs down the stairs. I hear the front door close.

“She’s good, man. I swear.” Tristian stumbles over and pats my back. “Happens all the time.”

I kneel beside Hayley and pull my cell phone out of my pocket. My beautiful Hayley... What have you done to yourself? What have you let him do to you?

“What are you doing, man?” he asks.

“Stop calling me ‘man,’” I snap. “I’m not your man.”

“Are you calling nine-one-one? You can’t call nine-one-one. We’ll all be fucked!”

“Oh yeah? Watch me!” I dial and put my phone to my ear.

As the phone rings, I grab Hayley’s wrist. I feel a pulse. Thank God. I can breathe again. I carefully roll Hayley over on her side, just in case she vomits again. I rub her back as the phone rings.

“What’s the location of your emergency?”

“I’m not playing! Put down the fucking phone, you leprechaun!” Tristian demands.

I laugh. Leprechaun? That’s actually a good one.

“Hi. I live at ninety-three A, Oak Commons, in Medford. I came home, and my roommate is unconscious on the floor. It looks like she overdosed on something. There’s some empty bottles here, but all of the labels are ripped off, so I couldn’t even tell you what she took.” I examine an empty pill bottle on the coffee table. “Probably Oxycodone. Maybe something else too.”

“Looks like we already have a report.”

“You do?” I ask.

Danny must have called. Damn, he’s fast.

“I’m not fucking kidding with you!” Tristian kicks the coffee table, then sits on the couch and rubs his foot in pain. He just gets more and more pathetic.

“So, someone should be here soon?” I ask the dispatcher.


“Thank you.” I end the call.

“Why the fuck did you call them?!” Tristian yells.

“Because your girlfriend is unconscious on the floor, and you don’t even give a fuck so long as you save your own ass!” I stand and walk toward him.

“What, do you wanna fight me?”

“Hell, no!” I respond. “I don’t want to fight you. That’s the last thing on my mind, you crazy basturt! Besides, you’re so fucked up right now it’d be too unfair.”

“I’d still kick your scrawny little ass!” He stands and stumbles again.

“Last chance. The police are on their way. You could leave, or you can stay here and wait for them. That’s your choice.” I walk back to Hayley. “If they show up here and you’re ‘kicking my scrawny little ass,’ I think it might turn out pretty bad for you.”

I kneel down, pulling the hair tie out of my own hair. I put Hayley’s hair back into a ponytail, tying it nice and tight. I look down at her and caress her face.

“Keep your hands off my girl!”

“I’m trying to help my friend. What are you doing?” I ask. “Nothing...and I’m ‘the little man’?”

Red and blue lights beam through the window and reflect off the wall. I smile and look directly into his eyes. It’s his turn to run... Run away from this. It feels good to be only a spectator.