“Oh. No, I mean... I don’t know.”

We start walking toward his car.

“I really wouldn’t care, but my little brother will be home, and I won’t be.”

“I get it. Sorry if I sounded like I was accusing you.”

“It’s fine.”

He clicks the unlock button on his car keys and opens the passenger side door for me. I get in. He walks around to the driver’s side and joins me.

“Just a second,” he says as he looks at his phone. He starts typing away.

“Who are you texting?”

“Calling, actually. My brother, Danny. He’s at Friendly’s with some kids from school, but now I don’t want him coming home if I’m not home. I want to see if he can go to a friend’s house afterward.”

He puts his phone up to his ear. “Hello? Yeah, hey. Are you having fun?... Good. Sorry I’m bothering you. Is there any way you can go to Matt’s place after Friendly’s?... No, everything’s fine. I just won’t be home... I know, I know... Just ask his mum when she picks you up. If she says no, call me right away. Got it?... Okay, I love you. I’ll see you later... Okay, bye.” He clicks the end call button. He turns to look at me and puts on his seat belt. “Sorry about that. I’m just worried, you know?”

“I don’t have kids, but...yeah.”

“She’s just trying to ruin this for me.”


“Because she’s out of her mind when she’s high, and he’s...Tristian, herboyfriend...I think he’s dangerous. He’s always trying to fight me for some reason.”

“Why don’t you tell them to leave? Kick her out?”

“It’s not that easy. I think she has rights. Tenant’s rights. Secondly, I just can’t do that to her. I do care about her, she’s like—”

“A sister?”

“No! Not at all. A best friend, maybe.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem like she cares about you...or anybody.”

“She’s just not in the right headspace. If you got to know her—”

“You make a lot of excuses for her.”

His phone rings.

“Oh! Hold on. Just a second!” He picks it up.

“Mrs. Rogers? Yes! Hi...Would that be okay? I won’t be home for a little while.” He leans back and smiles. “Thank you. You don’t know how much it means to me. Can I drop a bag off for him at your apartment?... Great. I’ll pick him up at around eleven o’clock tomorrow... Thank you so much!”

He hangs up and smiles.

“I have to go back in the house and pack an overnight bag for Danny.”

“His friend’s mom said he can sleep over?” I ask.

“Yes. Woo!” He smiles. “Fuck this, I’m not driving. We’re calling an Uber. I need a drink...or five. Yeah, five.” He flings his door open. “Wait here. I’ll go pack a bag and put in the request for an Uber. Be right back.”

“Uh...okay. Sounds good.”

I don’t mind waiting in the car, as long as I don’t have to see Hayley again.