According to him, no. But who knows?

Are you going to keep talking to him?

Yeah, I think so. I need this

You do you

How long do you think I should wait before I text him again?

You should let him text you first

I hate that answer

Yeah, you’re probably right

I put down my phone and look around my apartment. Better start cleaning now. Maybe I’ll start in the kitchen, get it out of the way. I stand up and twist side to side, cracking my back.

When I walk into the kitchen, I see the sink. Where are the dishes? Did I put them in the dishwasher? I take one step to the right and prop it open. It’s completely empty. What? How?

Okay... Where’s my phone?

I find it on the couch in the living room. Peter...Peter... There he is. I click on his last text.

Hey, this is weird but... Did you wash the dishes in my sink last night?

Yes. And I think I put everything away in the right place too.

What? Why?

You looked tired, and I like to clean.

You like to clean?

Cleaning clears my mind. I like that.

It gives me something to focus on.

Okay. Thanks


Did you get to watch any of that movie you put on last night?

Uhmmmm, no. I fell right asleep. IDR it at all.

Be glad. It was horrible.

Your head was on my chest. I was trapped.

You pick worse movies than my brother.


Well, you got up somehow to clean the dishes

Yeah. Halfway through you flipped over.
