“I woke up at nine. Hayley said you left last night.”

“Oh, sorry. I overslept. I won’t do that again.”

“So when he asks you not to do that, it’s different,” Hayley retorts with her arms folded.

Danny walks away from us and into the kitchen.

“If you’re allowed to go out with your boyfriend, I’m allowed to go out with my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? You just met the hoe!”

“Why do you care? I’m asking sincerely. Why do you care, Hayley?” I grab her gently by the arms. “Say the word, and I fucking swear to you, I’m yours. Say you want me back,” I whisper desperately.


I look longingly into her eyes. I don’t understand her. What can I do to make this right again? To call her mine again? Kara’s pretty. Too pretty, almost. She’s just not Hayley.

“Danny’s a pain in the ass. I don’t want to be responsible for him. That’s all. I don’t care if you have a girlfriend. I’ve told you over and over how I feel.”

I drop my hands. “But him? Why?”

“I don’t have to explain that to you. You already know.”

“Well, I don’t have to explain Kara to you either becauseyoualready know!”

She smiles. “Oh yeah, I think I do.” She starts to laugh.

Fuck! I turn around and head to my bedroom.



You just left me last night?

CRAP! IT’S JESS. Iguess that was kind of messed up.

I was so tired, and I drank too much. Sorry.


Shit. She’s pissed. Change the subject

Peter texted me last night.


The guy from the bar

Is that why you left me alone? ????

No! No! We just texted

K. What did he say?

Nothing really. We just chatted, but Jess... he lives with a girl

Like a gf?