Because you’re a funny girl.

Okay, right now. I’ll see what I can do.

Where are we meeting?

You can come to my place.

Hopefully this guy doesn’t murder me.

All right. Give me a wee bit.

What’s your address?

65 Jayne ave,

East Islip.

Eh, a little way from us. We are in Medford.

Us? US!?


Well, me.

I live with a roommate and my brother.

Oh, OK.

So... what time?

I just walked in the door.

Maybe 2am?

OK. I’ll see you soon.

I stuff my phone in my purse and walk back into the house. I don’t see Jess anywhere.

“Jess?” I call as I push through a crowd of drunk people.

Where is she? She’s nowhere in the living room. I should check the bedrooms. Or, no... Maybe I shouldn’t. Who knows what I’ll see in there? I’ll just text her.

Hey. I’m tired. I’m calling an Uber. Thanks for a great night. I had fun.

Kissy or no Kissy?



“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Hayley asks as I pull apart the kitchen.

“I’m looking for the jigger.”

“Why are you looking for the jigger?”

“So I can make drinks. Why else would I want the jigger?”