“You should still tell me about it. Is it something that happened at the restaurant this morning? Or the bar last night?”
“Something that happened a long time ago? Like in Scotland?”
He sighs and sniffles, looking away from me.
“So, Scotland?” I ask again.
“Danny, really, I’m okay. I’m coming inside now.”
He puts the window back up and gets out of the car. The cigarette dangles from his lip. He grips it, throws it on the ground, and stomps it into the concrete.
“I don’t think it’s good to smoke with the windows closed. You could get sick.”
He stares deep into my eyes, puts both his hands on my shoulders, and squeezes them a bit—almost like he’s making sure I’m really here.
“I’m sorry about that.”
Sorry? Why sorry? He’s being very weird.
“It’s okay...”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. What’s going on? You aren’t acting normal.”
“I just want to make sure I do everything right when it comes to you. I want you to be happy and safe.”
I hug him. I think he needs a hug. I don’t know what else I can do. I don’t even know what’s wrong. We hug for a few moments, then he pulls away.
“Let’s go inside. I have to get ready for McAlister’s,” he says.
We walk back together, silently. That was different. I’ve never seen him cry before. I don’t like it.
“WE SHOULD PRE-GAMEbefore this party.”
“Jess, you’re driving.” I put my knees against the dashboard and cross my legs at my ankles while playingCandy Crushon my phone. It helps to distract me way more than drinking does. It’s like she doesn’t even know me at all.
“Youshould pre-game. I’ll only have one drink.”
She pulls to the side of the road and tries to parallel park. She must have put the car in reverse at least four times...and the front of her car is still sticking out onto the road! People are honking. I sink lower in my seat.
“It’s just... Kara, come on.” She squeezes my cheeks and pushes my face toward hers. “You just aren’t very social when you’re sober.”
“Where are we?”
“I don’t know. McAlister’s? See it?” She points. “Next to that restaurant.”
I see it. I also see that she could have just parked in the lot. Why the hell are we here, anyway?
“I don’t know. It’s the first bar I saw. Let’s get your drink on.”