“We’ll figure it out. Just leave. I’ll text you later.”

I kiss his cheek. He starts walking away. As he goes, he punches the air and curses. I hear laughter and look up.

“What a fucking rocket,” Peter calls down. “I’ll let you in.”

I wait at the door with my arms folded. I hear Peter run down the stairs. He opens the door.

“We have to talk about this whole key thing,” he says.

Here we go...

Chapter Eighteen


I’M SINGING “SHE’SAlways a Woman.” I love Billy Joel, but my voice is loud and off-key. I know I’m off-key. I’m sober enough to know, but I’m drunk enough not to care. I slide my back down the brick building. The wall scrapes my skin as my shirt rides up. Sean follows. He slams the metal door behind us.

“Get off the ground.”

“You’re ruining a good time.”

“GET OFF THE GROUND!” he demands.

I stand.

“What is this?” he asks.

“What is what?”

“You can’t drink the alcohol you serve. You’re working.”

“I’m not that drunk. Plenty of bartenders do it. I’m proving the product is effective.”

“Yeah, everyone can fucking see it’s effective. You’re spilling drinks all over the bar. You’re costing me money.”

“I think everyone is having a good time, and you’re being a killjoy!” I shout. “Ask any of the regulars inside. They ask me to drink with them every night, and every night I have to say, ‘Sorry, my boss is being a crìochnaich fhaighean!’”

“What the fuck did you just call me? In English, scumbag.”

“Forget about it.”

“You know how easy it is to replace you? I know you need this job, and I’ve been kind, but my kindness meter is running really low. One more chance. That’s it. Go the fuck home. Come back tomorrow ready to work.”

“No. I want to finish the night.”

I walk toward the door, but he blocks me.

“I said you’re done for the night. Go home. Call your girlfriend to pick you up.”

“Are you serious?”

He goes back into the bar, closing the metal door behind him. I hear it lock.



IRUN UP THE STAIRSand hang my backpack on the wall. Hayley’s sitting on the couch watchingLong Island Mediumall by herself. I ignore her and go into the kitchen. Peter isn’t there. I check the bathroom. The lights are off, and the door is open. I go down the small hallway to Peter’s bedroom, but he’s not there, either.