“You forgot your wallet.”

Peter chucks the wallet as hard as he can at Tristian. It bounces off of his head and lands on the grass.

“Oh my God, are you okay?”

Tristian doesn’t respond. He leans down, picks up his wallet, and starts searching through it.

“My key is not fucking in here. It’s not fucking in here! I told you!”

I hear Peter laugh and the window slam shut.

“Peter, unlock the door! I don’t have my key.”

He opens the window again. “I’ll let you in, but not your stupid fucking boyfriend.”

Good thinking, Peter...an excuse to tell Tristian to go home.

“Sounds like a plan!” I say.

Peter looks at me, suspiciously.

“Don’t worry,” Tristian calls out, pointing up at him. “I’ll just come over when you leave for work and take my key back, you little pussy.”

“Pussy? Me? Want me to come down there? I’ll fight you. That’s what you really seem to want.”

No. No. No. No.

“Yeah, I’ll fight you right now. Not like last time when you hid behind the fucking bar at McAlister’s!”

“Tha thu breugach!”

“What the fuck did he just say to me?” Tristian turns frantically toward me.

“I have no idea. All right, time to go. Let’s all just calm down—”


“YOU TWO ARE NOT GOING TO FIGHT,” I interject. “Peter, stop it!”

I step forward, scowling up at him. Tristian grabs my arm.

“Why? Let him keep going. You know I’ll beat the shit out of that twerp.” He rolls up his sleeves. “You can watch me do it.”

“First, you have to get rid of the knife in your pocket. And I’m the pussy? You’re going to fight me with a knife? What kind of horseshit is that?” Peter asks.

How the fuck does he know Tristian has a knife?

“Anyway,” Peter continues. “Get the fuck out of here before I call the police. Hayley, I’ll let you inside when I see his sorry ass start walking away from our door. He’s not coming anywhere near me. I’ll be waiting.” He slams the window shut again.

Thank God...

“Tristian, just leave. I’ll see you later.”

His face is very red. He doesn’t answer me. I know he’s trying not to say something I wouldn’t like. I’m kind of proud of him?

“Calm down. We’ll get our own place one day...right?” I continue.

“Yeah, sure.” He says quietly.