Page 71 of Vicious

“Bitch is dead, Linsey. She drugged you and handed you over to that sick fuck. Couldn’t let that bitch live,” Fury admitted, without remorse.

“And Stone Industries is moving forward with the buyout of White Gems. By the time my father gets done with that bitch’s company, nothing will remain.” Montana stated.

“All this because of Duchene International.” I said, shaking my head. I fucking hated that damn company. From the moment I was born, that company regulated everything I did. No more. I was done. “Gregory, sell your shares to Mr. Stone. I want no part of that God damned company ever again. My family has suffered enough. I refuse to allow that fucking company to taint my nieces.”

Vicious smirked. “Already did baby.”

“Who’s watching the girls?”

“They are at my house, Linsey,” Montana informed. “The moment we realized you were missing, I had my parents move the girls to Stone House. It’s a fucking fortress. No one in or out. The girls are safe and being well taken care of.”

“Thank you.” I muttered, closing my eyes. This was all too much. I couldn’t deal with all of it as I faded away into the darkness again.



Three months had passed since the Foundation Ball and though Linsey was healing, she still visibly bore the scars of that night. Thanks to Virginia Stone, Linsey was seeing a therapist twice a week to help her deal with the trauma she suffered and the aftermath of learning the whole truth. As for White Gems, Montana told Linsey the truth. By Monday morning, the city was ripe with gossip as Stone Industries was deep in a hostile takeover of White Gems. The disappearance of Margo White hit the mainstream media, along with the investigation of her involvement in money laundering from Duchene International. The police arrested her co-conspirator, Mr. Brian Summit, and he is now awaiting arraignment. As for Duchene International, the company was under new management. After I sold my shares to Montana, he turned them over to his father. Stone Industries was now in the gem business. Though Linsey is no longer the CEO of Duchene International, George Stone, Montana’s father talked Linsey into staying on as a spokesperson, stating that a Duchene will always be the face of the company.

As for the pregnancy, Linsey never looked more beautiful. Barely showing, she loved being pregnant. Even when she was puking her brains out, she adored every moment. The girls were beyond themselves when we told them the good news. Praying for another sister, the girls were adamant that a boy wouldn’t be happy in our home. I hoped they were wrong because if I had anything to do with it, I wouldn’t be the only one with a penis anymore. I loved my girls, but If I ever saw another pink bow or barbie, it would be too soon.

Fury finally moved into the penthouse across from ours and was now a daily visitor. The little ones loved having their father around daily, and I had to admit that having an extra pair of hands around was always welcome. The girls adored him, even my Elizabeth, who began calling him Uncle Christian.

My daughter loved the city, with everything that it offered, and seemed born to live in the Big Apple. She finally had the family she had always wanted. Linsey adored Elizabeth and when my daughter handed Linsey papers asking her to become her legal mother, my woman lost it. The day a judge signed off on the adoption papers, the club threw a big party to celebrate. Linsey was now legally Elizabeth’s mother and my daughter couldn’t stop introducing her as such.

When the dust settled after the Foundation Ball, Viper and Bayou hit the road, saying that when they were back in the area, they would stop by. I didn’t ask them where they were going and for the first time in a long time, I didn’t have the urge to follow them. I was happy, content to stay in one place. Oh, I still rode as often as I wanted. That need would never go away, but the thought of leaving Linsey and my girls for weeks on end did not sit well with me. Like my daughter, I finally found where I belonged. My home.


“In the office, baby,” I replied, looking at the latest reports from Van Otto Lapidary. The company was thriving as the main lapidary for Duchene International. Working alongside George Stone took some getting used to, but we finally found some common ground. He didn’t tell me how to run my company and I didn’t tell him to go to hell. I never thought I’d be running my grandfather’s company again, but everything worked out in the end. I was happy and soon to be married to the love of my life.

Looking up as Linsey rushed into my office, face flushed, I smiled. “Hi baby. How was the park?”

“Good. Virginia took the girls for ice cream. We have maybe an hour before they come home.”

“Okay,” I grinned, leaning back in my chair. I didn’t need to ask. I saw it on her face. I knew what she wanted and why she rushed home but that didn’t stop me from teasing her. “And what would you like to do with that time?”

“Don’t play coy with me, Gregory. You know what I want.”

Since Linsey hit her second trimester, her sex drive reached astronomical limits. I could barely keep up with her needs. Barely. Watching as she sauntered around my desk, unbuttoning her top, I asked, reaching for her protruding stomach. “And how is my boy doing?”

“Your daughter is sleeping.”

“We’ll see who’s right next week, baby,” I chuckled.

“No, baby talk. Need sex. Now.”

My woman was the best thing about working at home and the reason I usually couldn’t concentrate. I spent a good bit of my time each day thinking about her. Some days, she just made it hard to think at all.

I never imagined I would prefer to work at home, considering I had spent most of my life on the open road. Funny how one woman and four little girls changed all that. When I walked away from this life so many years ago, I promised myself I would never come back and yet, I was right where I was supposed to be all along. It still boggled my mind, the pure joy I felt walking out of my office, to find my woman with the little ones laughing and playing. Oh, I still got my bike time. The need for the wind in my face would never go away, but it was no longer my driving force, my drug of choice. Now, I got my fix from being a husband and father.

My grandfather told me once that the path to happiness is through hard work. I never understood what he meant until now. He wasn’t talking about the company. That was just how he made his living. It was his family. Happiness came from family and the amount of work it took to ensure his family was happy. That was what he meant. Taking care of your family, making sure they are happy and safe, is what makes life worth living. No amount of money on the planet could ever take the place of family. My grandfather understood that. My parents understood, and now I did as well. The company could go under tomorrow and I wouldn’t care as long as Linsey and my girls were happy. That was all that mattered.

And right now, all that mattered was my woman and her insatiable appetite.

My woman was distracting, to say the least. Her gorgeous dark blue eyes that could stop a man dead in his tracks or in his shorts if she wanted. If she happened to look at me just right, I’d have to hide behind something to keep the girls from seeing my enormous and immediate hard-on. The kitchen island was my new best friend. Her long blond hair was always pulled back into a ponytail and the way it hung over her shoulder when she bent down automatically drew my eyes to her awesome tits. They were inspirational. Wars have started over lesser boobs. My woman’s tits were nothing shy of perfection in my eyes. I spent several minutes of my day pondering those goddess-like knockers. Frankly, she was perfect all over. Her legs were no less perfect to me. Long as the day and made for wrapping around my waist when I pounded into her. I thought about kissing her thighs and sliding my hand up to her neatly trimmed pussy that had me salivating like a man dying of thirst.

My cock was now like granite, and it was all I could do to maintain control. I watched as she seductively slipped her shirt off her shoulders, revealing those beautiful tits held by the very lace I imagined earlier in the day. As I stared in rapt attention, Linsey leaned against my desk. She worked her skirt up high enough to reveal that not only was she not wearing any panties but showing me the narrow landing strip leading the way to one of the world’s most spectacular cunts.