Page 69 of Vicious

“Already there, bitch,” he growled, gathering the front of my dress and ripping it from me. Exposed, I tried to cover myself, but he backhanded me, making me fall back on the mattress as he removed his shirt. “I know what your sick fuckbuddy and his band of merry thugs did to my sister and nephew. They will pay for killing her and Davis.”

“What?” I gasped, backing away from him. He was wrong. Vicious would never harm a child. Ever. He’s lost his damn mind if he thought I would believe anything he said.

Alex ignored me as he unbuckled his pants.

What the hell was he doing? He couldn’t mean to do what I thought. Moving closer into the corner, I covered my chest as best I could. “Alex, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to do to you what I did to your sister right before I fucking killed her,” he growled, reaching for my ankle, pulling me towards him. Scrambling, I tried to move away from him, but his grip was strong. When his balled-up fist struck the side of my head, I saw stars. The pain radiating from my head robbed me of air. When he hit me again, I lost all sense of reality as I floated deep into a dark abyss.

I slowly woke sometime later, my body rocking as if I were on the open water during a storm. My whole body hurt. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes, everything ached. Moaning, I tried to roll to the side. The motion making me want to vomit, but something strong held me in place. Barely able to open my eyes, I saw a shadow looming over me as it grunted and growled, gripping me tight around my throat. It was slowly suffocating me. Clamoring for the grip, I tried weakly to remove the tight hold it had on me as it tightened, sucking the air from my lungs. A fierce roar exploded around me as the shadow stilled over me, then disappeared as if it was never there. The tight hold on my throat, gone, allowed me to breathe once more.

“Oh, fuck!” someone shouted, “Call 9-1-1!”

Men were cursing all around me when I heard Vicious through the storm. His voice sounded so far away. So sad. I wanted to hold him and tell him everything was okay, but I couldn’t move. I tried to open my eyes, but the darkness crept closer to me. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. Just stay with me.”

Several loud bangs popped all around me.


“Fucking bastard.”

“Vicious, the ambulance is on the way.”

“Mercy found the bitch, Prez,” someone else shouted. “Cunt was trying to get away. What do you want him to do with her?”

“Kill the bitch. Burn the body.”

“What about this sick fuck?”

“Take him out to sea. Let the sharks have him.”

“Montana, I can barely feel a pulse.”

“Just keep her alive Fury, the ambo is coming.”

The storm darkened once more as I fell into its dark, deep hole.

The steady beep of a machine penetrated my mind. Crawling from within the depths, I broke through the haze and into the light to find Vicious and Fury, both sleeping in chairs on either side of my bed. At the foot of my bed stood Montana, who looked worried and scared.

“Montana?” I croaked. My voice harsh, like sandpaper. Vicious bolted upright along with Fury. Both men hovering over me, asking questions at once.



“Are you in pain?”

“I’ll go get the nurse.”

I looked at Montana, who winked, shaking his head. Wetting my lips with my dry tongue, I whispered, “Water.”

“I’ve got it,” Vicious jumped into action as Fury declared. “I’ll get the doctor!”

Placing a straw at my lips, I slowly took a sip, moaning as the cool, wet liquid moistened my dry mouth. Swallowing carefully, I took another sip as Fury returned in a rush. “Doc is with another patient. He will be here soon.”

“What happened?” I asked, looking at the three men. “The last thing I remembered was we were about to leave the ball. Was I in an accident?”

Vicious looked at Montana, as Fury did the same before both men came to sit next to me again. Looking at Vicious, I waited patiently for him to respond. I saw the war raging deep in his eyes as he contemplated telling me the truth. Whatever happened must be bad for him to even consider lying to me.