Page 41 of Vicious

“One week or we do it my way. Trust me Vicious, you do not want me getting involved.”

The elevator doors opened, and I nodded. Walking towards my door, I didn’t bother unlocking it. I knew Linsey was expecting me and when I opened the door, a mouthwatering aroma enveloped me, making my stomach growl.

“Dad!” my daughter squealed, running for me. Grabbing her, I picked her up and hugged her tight, wincing as she accidentally touched my back. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing baby girl. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. How was school today?” I replied, putting her down on her feet as the brothers gathered around.

Elizabeth looked up at each man and shyly said, “It was good.”

“Sweetheart, I want you to meet some of my friends.”

During the introductions, Elizabeth was polite until she narrowed her eyes on Malice. “I know you. You are mean.”

“Am not,” the big brother huffed, stomping away. “You are!”


Looking up, I spotted my Linsey. My beautiful woman, dressed in a plain pair of jeans, a white cotton shirt and her hair pulled up in a ponytail. She was breathtaking. Walking over to her, I kissed her firmly on her lips, taking my time to enjoy her essence. When I released her, a pretty blush was on her cheeks. “Missed you baby.”

“I see that.” She smiled. “Dinner is almost done. If you gentlemen would like to wash up, there is a bathroom to your right and the kitchen sink is free. Montana, your father is in the office and asked to speak to you before dinner. The rest of you make yourself at home.”

Brothers nodded, some kissing Linsey’s cheek as she welcomed them. Keeping my arm around her, I walked her upstairs, needing a few minutes alone with her. Once in our room, I shut the door and sat on our bed. “How were the girls?”

“Good. Remi left this morning. She wouldn’t tell me where she was going. I’m worried about her.”

“She’ll be fine. Tell me, have you heard from Alex or Sarah?”

“No. Which is bothering me. Neither are returning my calls. Someone from the board called me today and told me they were holding an emergency meeting tonight at nine, but he wouldn’t tell me why. Something is going on over there Vicious. I may have to leave later to attend that meeting.”

“Not without me, you’re not.”

“Vicious, it’s my family’s company. I’m the spare.”

“Stop calling yourself that!” I snapped, causing her to flinch. Taking a deep breath, I reached out and grabbed her hands. “Sorry baby. I didn’t mean to shout. I just hate it when you call yourself that awful name. You are not a spare. You are mine. You are perfect.”

Tilting her head, she smiled. “Thank you for that.”

“I mean it Linsey. You are mine. My only one. I can’t stand it when people refer to you as that name. It’s degrading. Makes you think you are second best. You’re not. You are the best.”

“I love you too, Vicious.”

Pulling her between my legs, I wrapped my arms around her and I flinched when she touched my back. Carefully pushing her away from me, I stood and walked into the bathroom.

“Vicious? What’s wrong with your back?”

“It’s nothing baby. Just slept wrong. That’s all.”

“No, it’s not. Don’t lie to me. You’re hurt. I can see it on your face. You are in pain.”

Sighing, I hung my head, leaning my hands on the bathroom counter. I didn’t stop her as she helped me out of my black leather jacket or when she lifted my shirt and saw all the bandages. “Oh God. What happened?”

“It’s nothing. Really, baby. Please don’t make me lie to you again.”

“Okay,” she whispered, carefully lowering my shirt. Instead of prodding, she opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of pills. “I wondered why Mrs. Stone gave me these. She told me you might need them. I guess she was right.”

Taking two of the tablets out, she handed them to me and I quickly took them. “Thank you.”

“We can talk about your back later. Right now, we’re being rude to our guests downstairs.”