Page 38 of Vicious


Sandman shrugged, saying nothing as he looked around the compound at the brothers. Then it hit me like a freight train. A brother killed Reaper. One of the Golden Skulls killed Reaper.


“Ghost found him in his office yesterday morning, along with that woman Wendy. A single bullet to the head of both. They were fucking when it happened. Ghost locked down the clubhouse immediately. The whole place is in an uproar. No one trusts anyone anymore. Viper and Bayou handed over their cuts. They’ve been gone for a week now. Shadow took off two days ago. Left his cut on his bed. Ravage took off into the woods. No one’s seen him in days. The Tennessee boys are heading out to find him, but Bullseye said they ain’t gonna find him unless he wants to be found. Matrix and Phantom are going blind looking at all the security feeds. They still haven’t found shit. Someone cut the camera in Reaper’s office. They deliberately severed the lines. No one is saying shit. To make matters worse, Remi and the kids are missing.”

Motherfucker! Now, I understood what she meant before I left the penthouse. She fucking knew what I would find. She knew because she…

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered low, as Ghost spotted me and walked over along with Bullseye hot on his heels.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Ghost asked as I tried to reconcile the fact that Remi, one of the sweetest women I ever met, could do something so horrific. That woman loved Reaper since she was eight years old. Survived hell to be free. I endured so much pain and overcame it all. What was the catalyst that pushed Remi over the edge? More importantly, did anyone else know it was her because if the club found out that she killed Reaper, they would want retribution.

“Doesn’t matter now,” I said, just as the sounds of pipes rode past, making all the brothers look in the road’s direction only to see several Satan’s Angels ride on by.

Ghost growled, “If I find out one of those bastards is responsible for this shit, I will kill every fucking one of them.”

“Calm down Ghost,” Bullseye muttered, “It wasn’t them and you know it. We talked about this. If anyone took Reaper out, we knew it was going to be one of us. We just have to figure out who did it and why.”

“We fucked this whole mess up. We should have never kept him out of the loop. What is Montana going to say when he learns what happened? What about the deal they made?”

That information got my attention. “What deal?”

“It’s club business,” Ghost snapped, before walking away from me. “Go back to New York Vicious. The clubhouse is closed to all nomads!”

“You best leave Vicious,” Bullseye said, shaking my hand. “This is going to destroy the club. Maybe when the dust settles, Phantom and I will come to see you and Linsey. Till then, stay away from Tennessee, brother.”

Watching Bullseye leave, I turned to Sandman. “You know, don’t you?”

The silent brother nodded.

“You plan on saying anything?”

Sandman shook his head.

“Good. I’ll make sure no one finds her.”

“Thank you,” Sandman said quickly, giving me a bro-hug before walking away. Taking one more good look at the place I once called home, I went back into my rental, knowing there was nothing left for me here. Leaving the compound, I had just pulled out onto the main road when my phone rang. Not bothering to look at the caller I.D., I answered, “Montana.”

“Is it done?”

“He was already dead.”

“Now, that’s interesting,” the man quickly chuckled, then asked. “And your houseguest?”

“Needs to disappear.” I replied, not bothering to clarify any further. Montana was a smart man. I knew he would figure it out on his own.

“I’ll make the arrangements.”

“What about my task?”

“We’ll discuss that later. Come home.”



Malice and Payne escorted me back to the clubhouse instead of home, as they met me at the airport when I landed. I desperately wanted to check on Linsey and the girls to make sure they were okay and when I tried talking to the brothers, both flat out ignored me. Neither said a damn word until they ensconced me in the boardroom of the Soulless Sinner compound.