Page 36 of Vicious

“It is,” he frowned, releasing me as he picked up his phone to make a call. Disappearing into the downstairs office, I heard the door click shut when Remi asked, “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. So, other than Reaper, tell me about the girls. How are they?”

Remi snickered. “Oh, you know the girls. Stella is ready to spit nails. Ari is still sweet as ever. Daphne is coming into her own. She found out a week ago that’s she’s pregnant. Her and Julie are being pampered like crazy. Ink and Slaughter won’t let them lift a feather and Jess is about to neuter Savage.”

“I miss them. I feel bad for leaving like I did. I should have said a proper goodbye.”

“You did what you needed to do. None of us blame you. Speaking of which, how are things with you? More specifically, tell me how Vicious claimed you.”

I blushed. “He kissed me and that was it. One kiss.”

“Must have been one hell of a kiss.”

I nodded.

“How are the girls adjusting?” Remi asked.

“Good. The little ones are just going with the flow. I’m mostly keeping an eye on Elizabeth. I don’t think she likes her school very much. She seems happy, but her smile isn’t reaching her eyes.”

“Maybe when everything settles down, you can homeschool her again. I know Emma really misses you being her teacher.”

“That’s what I am hoping. I love spending time with the girls. I miss being around them. Everything is so crazy here. Things are not what I originally thought. Vicious is a tremendous help and there are others who are helping, but I worry they won’t be enough.”

“Lean on Vicious. That man loves you, Linsey. I see it clear as day. You let him lead you through this. He won’t steer you wrong.”

The kettle whistled.

Turning to the stove, I turned off the burner and removed the kettle. Pouring hot water over the tea bags, I placed the kettle on a back burner, then handed Remi a cup. “Would you like anything in it? I have sugar, honey, milk?”

“No. This is perfect. Thank you.”

Silence reigned as we sipped our hot tea. I wanted to say so many things to her. To give her the courage she was going to need in the coming days. I just didn’t know if she was ready to hear the words yet.

Vicious returned to us, a scowl on his face. I knew whatever he learned wasn’t for Remi’s ears and, considering what she’s been through, I agreed. My friend’s plate was full. No sense in making it overflow. “Vicious honey. Can you grab some blankets and a few pillows?”


Watching him leave to do as I asked, I leaned across the island, placing my hands over hers. “I don’t want you to worry about a thing while you are here, okay? I wish we had a room for you tonight, but we’ll come up with a plan tomorrow. In the meantime, the couch is yours and it’s quite comfortable.”

“It’s perfect. Thank you,” she whispered, as Vicious returned with the items I requested. Placing them on the couch before he turned and headed back upstairs, giving us privacy. I said nothing as Remi stood before walking over to the couch and sitting down. I could see the worry and exhaustion radiating from her body. Defeated, my friend couldn’t take much more. I knew a few good days of rest, lots of tears, and a solid support system would do her good. Part of me wanted to find Reaper and give him a good talking to, but I knew that would only make things worse. No. The best thing I could do was be there for her when she needed me. In the meantime, she needed sleep.

Cleaning up the kitchen, I placed both mugs in the sink before heading for the stairs. “Good night, Remi.”

“Night Linsey.”

I walked into the master bedroom to find Vicious sitting at the end of the bed, his shoulders hunched, his head hanging low. Closing the door behind me, I walked over to him and before I could ask what was wrong; he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. Running my fingers through his hair, I stood there, holding him. Releasing me, I cupped his face and looked down into his tired and sorrowful eyes. “What is it?”

“Just tired, baby,” he lied. I knew it was more than exhaustion. Something was riding him hard. I didn’t know if it was my situation, the fact he owned his grandfather’s company again, because he had to leave his club or something else. Whatever it was, was bothering him deeply and until he was ready to talk, I wasn’t going to push him.

“I need you tonight.”

“I’m yours.”

He said nothing as he stood, wrapping me in his arms, pressing himself against me. I could feel his firm chest, his taught muscles as they rippled and flexed under my palms. I could feel the hardness of his groin through his jeans. Remembering last night, I sighed as he caressed my face.

He was so gentle with me. Touching my face and looking into my eyes, holding me close. I’d never felt so loved, so cherished before. Somehow, he had taken all my fears and worries and made them vanish. With him, I knew deep down in my soul that I was safe. He did that for me and I wanted to give that back to him. That feeling of belonging. The feeling of something more.

I pressed myself into him slightly. I wanted him to feel me doing it. I wanted him to know that I was giving myself and offering myself to him. I was inviting him to have me. I forgot all about my worries, my perils, and my past. All I wanted was him.