Page 35 of Vicious

“No Montana. Now. I’m not waiting for a damn vote and I’m sure as hell not prospecting. It’s either now or I will go it alone.”

A knock at the front door had me turning. Wondering who would stop by so late, I walked across the living room as Montana said, “Then you know what you have to do, brother. You sure about this because until the task is done, the club won’t be able to help you.”

“Just tell me who.” I said, as I flung the door open to find Remi, Emma, and little Jesse standing before me with several bags at their feet. The shock of seeing them almost had me missing the name Montana uttered, “Reaper.”

Lowering the phone, I stared blankly at my former President’s ol’ lady and wondered just what in the hell was going on. I heard Montana clearly. He wanted me to kill Reaper. Why now? What the fuck did Reaper agree to? Why would he even reach out to Montana for that matter? Everyone knew Montana wasn’t someone to cross.


She sniffed. Her eyes were puffy from crying. “I know everything. I didn’t want to believe it until I received the pictures. Max cheated on me Vicious. The man I loved above all others cheated on me, then lied about it.”

“Oh, fuck.”

“Remi?” Linsey whispered from behind me. Stepping to the side, I took little Jesse from Remi as she rushed into Linsey’s arms. Her tears were silent but visceral. Looking down at Reaper’s son, then at his daughter, I wondered if Reaper knew what he just lost. The thought of him hurting Remi like that hurt my heart. I never understood how anyone could do that to someone they supposedly loved.

“Uncle Vicious?” Emma’s sweet voice called to me.

“Yeah, sweetheart?”

“I’m tired.”

“I know baby, come inside. Let’s get you and your brother to bed.”



Taking Remi by the hand, I led her over to the kitchen as Vicious took Emma and little Jesse upstairs. Pulling out a chair at the bar, Remi sat as I walked around the island and put the teakettle on. Rummaging through the cabinets, I found a box of sweet hibiscus tea and pulled out two bags.

“I’m sorry for showing up like I did.”

Placing two teacups on the counter, I turned to my friend and said, “Don’t do that, Remi. There is no need to apologize. You helped me before and now it’s my turn. What happened?”

Remi took a deep breath. “I think some part of me always knew. I just wasn’t ready to accept it. Max just wasn’t himself after that crap with theSociety. He never settled. Then the secret calls started again. I thought he was done with all that. I knew something was really wrong when he opened the club to those sluts. He promised me, ya know. He told me that when everything was over, it would just be us and the brothers. A proper family. That was the first lie. Then he started drinking again. God, Linsey, he drank so much. I thought when Ghost took over the club, Max would rest and spend time with me and the kids. Only he didn’t. Then I lost the baby and Max spiraled. I got a phone call two days ago from an unknown number. A man told me what Max was hiding. I went to confront Max. Found him in his office. He was fucking that bitch, Wendy.”

Shocked. I knew Reaper adored Remi. Loved her to pieces. Saw it when he looked at her. I never would have guessed that he, of all people, would hurt her like that. I didn’t claim to know what problems they had, but cheating solved nothing. Especially when he was married and had children. The damage he caused by that moment of indiscretion was immense, and I wasn’t sure he could ever repair what he broke.

“Remi, I’m so sorry.”

Remi shrugged. “It’s not your fault. I knew who I was marrying. Did you know that I really didn’t want to marry Reaper? Oh, I loved him to distraction and wanted to spend my life with him, but I never could reconcile the marriage aspect. I think some part of my soul knew he would hurt me. What does that say about me?”

“It says you believe in love. Wanted to believe in the man you love. It’s not your fault he cheated, Remi. Reaper is to blame. Not you.”

“All I know is that I can’t go back. I won’t. I left Sandman and Sunny a note, asking him to look after Sunny and Jax. I just can’t go back there. He broke me, Linsey.”

“No, he broke his marriage. What he did to you was just plain cruel. He should have been man enough to stop himself. He didn’t break you, Remi. Never. You are a strong woman. Yeah, you’re hurting right now, but that doesn’t mean you’re down. Eventually, the pain will subside and you will stand stronger than ever.”

“Linsey’s right, Remi. This isn’t on you. Reaper made his choice. Now he will suffer the consequences. You and the kids can stay here as long as you need. I may not be a Golden Skull anymore, but I am still your friend,” Vicious said, walking into the kitchen.

Remi grinned, looking at him. “You look different. Happier.”

I smiled as Vicious wrapped his arms around me. “I am. Finally got my foot out of my ass and claimed my woman.”

“I’m happy for you both.”

“Remi, do you have any idea who it was that called you?” I asked. My friend shook her head. “No. Like I said, it was an unknown number.”

“Vicious, I thought you said this was a secure building? That it is off limits to everyone except those who live in the building. That no one could get in unless invited?”