Page 31 of Vicious

He held me against his taut chest as he slowly soaped my body, allowing me to regain enough strength so that I could stand while he washed my hair. He then wrapped me in a towel, dried me all over and then carried me to the bed, where he put me under the sheets. After drying himself, he climbed into the bed next to me. Drifting in a sea of ecstasy, the last thing I remembered was Vicious pulling me into his protective arms as I savored the feel of my naked body cradled against his and, for the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged.



I stood dumbstruck as I gaped at the bike before me.

“Baby, we ain’t got all day. Just put your foot on that peg and throw your other leg over. Trust me. You will be safe.”

“Uh huh,” I muttered, as I stood stock still at the loud rumbling bike. I’d seen several of the brothers enjoy riding motorcycles. Even their women got excited to be on the back of the big bikes. I just never thought. I mean, logically, I knew Vicious was a biker. He rode a motorcycle. I just didn’t think I’d ever be on the back of one. Scared, the big bike petrified me. It was just that I’ve never ridden one. What if we were in an accident? A bike didn’t provide any kind of protection.


“I’m thinking.” I mulled over everything that could go wrong in my head. Like some ticker-tape reel, the horrific visions were never ending.

“Woman,” he growled, “Get on the fucking bike.”

My head snapped to his. My eyes narrowed and in my most severe teacher’s voice, I chided, “That attitude is not helping, mister. I’ve never ridden on a motorbike. I know what can go wrong.”

“Never pegged you for a chicken baby, but if you’re too scared, we can take a cage,” he said, cutting the engine.

“I’m not scared. Just cautious.”

Vicious sighed, leaning forward, resting his arms on the gas tank. “You do know the longer you take to decide, the longer it’s going to be before we can get back to the girls.”

And that was all it took. I hated leaving them, even if Mrs. Stone was with them. I wanted to spend the day with them, getting them settled. Mustering what courage I could find, I hopped on the back of the bike. Vicious took my hands and pulled my body flush against his, placing my hands low on his stomach. “Just follow my lead. I lean, you lean. Don’t fight it, baby. Imagine an ocean wave. Just go with the motion.”

I didn’t get the chance to ask what he meant before he started the bike again and pulled out of the underground garage. Before I knew it, I was flying through the New York City traffic. A freedom I never knew existed as Vicious expertly moved around cars, buses and other vehicles and before I knew it, he pulled up to a secure gate. Seconds later, the gate opened as the bike slowly rolled forward. Backing in, Vicious parked his bike and cut the engine before taking off his helmet. Doing the same, I handed it to him when I realized something. “You’re not wearing your Golden Skulls cut. Why?”

“I don’t wear it out of respect for Montana.” I didn’t understand. Vicious was a brother of the Golden Skulls. I thought he was proud of the brotherhood. Maybe it was a club thing. I never really understood the rules concerning motorcycle clubs.

“And the helmet. It covered your entire face.”

“You ready for this meeting?” he asked, quickly changing the subject. He was hiding something from me. I could see it clearly in his eyes. There was something he didn’t want me to know.

“No, but I want to know what’s really going on. You sure Montana will help?”

“More than you realize, baby. Come on. We’re late.”

Helping me off the bike, I looked around the large industrial warehouse and wondered why we were meeting here. I thought Montana Stone worked downtown in the Stone Building. I’d seen the building myself with his last name on it. The place was massive. Yet, for some reason, we were meeting here. I was confused.

Of course, my confusion turned to worry when Vicious led me into the large warehouse. Spotting Montana as he walked over, I huddled closer to Vicious. I didn’t understand why Vicious would bring me here instead of the Stone Building downtown. Nothing was making sense.

“You made it,” Montana greeted Vicious before looking at me. “Good morning, Linsey. Welcome to my house. The rest of the board is waiting. If you will both follow me.”

Looking up at Vicious, he smiled warmly at me. “Breathe baby. It’s going to be all right. I promise.”

Following Vicious into a large room that resembled an actual board room, I found myself face to face with several men I already knew. What in the hell was going on here?

“Linsey, let me introduce you to my board members. Caleb Davenport, you met yesterday. He also goes by the name Mercy and is my Vice President. The man to my left is Christian Moreno, also known as Fury.”

“We met last year at the Met Gala. You hit on my sister,” I grinned as the handsome man smiled. There was something about his smile that looked familiar. Almost as if I saw it every day but didn’t. It was an odd feeling. “Yes, I did. I’m sorry for your loss, Linsey.”

“Thank you.”

“The two men next to Mercy are Malice and Payne. They are the club enforcers and have asked to remain nameless.”

“I understand,” I whispered, looking at the man named Malice, already knowing who he was. My mother gave religiously to his charity until she died. Davina picking up where she left off. I planned to continue the support, agreeing with what his charity represented.