Page 23 of Vicious

“Ain’t about the money Dig.” I growled, looking for sub-section J. The fucking contract was as thick as a damn book. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d be looking at this shit again.

“Found it!” I exclaimed, as brothers moved closer. “Here it is. Upon my death, Van Otto Lapidary is to be returned to Gregory Van Otto, the son of Gerald Van Otto and grandson of Gerard Van Otto, the rightful owner. I hope that, given time, Mr. Van Otto will be in a more stable state of mind to assume control of the company his grandfather started. It was Gerard Van Otto’s wish that his grandson, Gregory Van Otto, succeed where he hadn’t. MOTHERFUCKER!”

“Does that mean Vicious is now richer than Midas?” Whiskey asked, as a few of the brothers chuckled. Glaring at him, I growled.

“Okay,” Ghost sighed, raising his hands. “Everyone leave Vicious alone. Don’t see the problem here, brother. Digger’s right. If you don’t want the company, just sell it again.”

“I can’t,” I moaned, rubbing the back of my neck. I fucked this up big time. I knew I should have had my attorney go over the damn contract. Instead, I was too God damned eager to get the fuck out of New York and all the reminders of what I would never have. I would have signed my soul over to the devil to get the fuck out of there. I thought I was free from all this shit.

“What do you mean you can’t?” Matrix asked, reaching for the contract as he skimmed through it. “Sold it once already. Sell it again.”

“There was a stipulation in my grandfather’s will. It gave me the option to sell the company because my grandfather knew I was young and really didn’t know what to do with it. However, the will also stipulated that if the company found its way back to me, I am bound to adhere to the original will.”

“And the original will said what?” Ghost fished for more information.

Groaning, I leaned back in my chair and admitted, “Not so much what it said, but what I agreed to. Basically, my grandfather gave me the option to walk away, to grow up, if you will, hoping one day I would be ready to take over the company. Well, when I sold it, I had no intention of ever assuming shit. That company destroyed my family. I wanted nothing to do with it.”

“Still not telling me why you can’t sell it again, Vicious?”

“I promised my grandfather, all right. Is that what you want to hear? After my parents died, my grandfather knew I didn’t want to be associated with the company. He knew I would sell it. He made me promise that if I ever owned the company again that I would try.”

“And because you always keep your word,” Ghost muttered as I nodded. “I can’t sell it.”

“Wait a minute,” Digger said, pushing off the wall. “Where is the company located?”

“New York City.”

“Does that mean you’re leaving us?”

“I don’t know Dig.”

“Fuck that. Move the company here. You belong here with us.”

“It’s not that simple Digger. There are thousands of employees that Van Otto Lapidary employees. I can’t just move the company to Tennessee.”

“Why not?” Digger asked mulishly. “New York City is a cesspool. Place ain’t got nothing like Tennessee. Bet those stuck-up fuckers could use some fresh country air. All that pollution ain’t good for the brain. Makes ‘em stupid, if you catch my meaning.”

“Would you shut the fuck up?” Slaughter sighed, punching his brother in the arm. “Not everyone enjoys living in the country.”

“Well, they should. We mind our own business, work just as hard as them. Hell, we even shut down on Sundays for church. We got mudding, fishing, hunting. The bowling alley has that tournament where leagues come from all around just for the catfish dinner.”

“Jesus Christ Digger. Shut up,” Ravage moaned, “No one cares about a fucking catfish dinner.”

“According to this contract, you are required to attend the board meeting in person on the first Friday of every new month. That ain’t so bad. Only need to be in New York twelve days out of the year.” Matrix muttered as he continued to read, then stopped when he got to the heart of the problem. “Is this shit for real?”

I quietly nodded as Ghost asked, “What? What is it?”

Matrix looked from Ghost to me before turning back to Ghost. “Not only is Vicious required to attend monthly board meetings, but his principal job is also to oversee the personal accounts with Duchene International. You would work side by side with Linsey.”

“Yes, and considering she hates my guts right now, you see the problem. She won’t even talk to me. Look, Linsey’s plate is full, overflowing actually. She doesn’t understand the severity of her situation. I do. I knew it the second I learned who she really was and as much as you want me to fix this Matrix, Linsey was never going to be able to stay here. Her position in the company wouldn’t allow it. Eventually, they will force her to move to New York City. Once there, the board of trustees will inundate her with rules and shit. For the next fifteen years, her life is no longer her own.”

“Then you need to go with her and help her,” Reaper said from the doorway. “You are the only one who can Vicious. This club isn’t prepared for what you and Linsey are about to embark on. None of us would know what to do. Both of you come from a different life. It’s second nature to you. She’s scared right now and though you are resistant, you can be the rock she leans on.”

Slowly getting to my feet, I asked, “What are you saying, Reaper?”

“This shit is out of our depth. The press already knows where she’s at. Her safe isolation is no longer safe, especially with that hit out on her. She needs protection. This club can’t give her what she needs and you know it, but there is someone in New York City who can help. Someone you know who can go to all the places we can’t. Go home Vicious and take care of your business. While there, protect Linsey and the girls. Make it where everyone will think twice before coming after her.”
