Page 12 of Vicious

Vicious reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Finding what he was looking for, he handed me a black Amex card. “Take it. Get whatever you need as well. I wouldn’t know what to buy to make this place livable, so whatever you buy is fine with me.”

Shocked, I looked at the black Amex in my hand.

“Don’t worry honey, we’ll help you make a dent in Vicious’ account. This house needs everything, and I mean everything. I’ve already called Ravage and he and a few of the brothers will be ready when deliveries arrive, as we’re going to still be shopping.” Remi laughed as Reaper shook his head, only to stop seconds later when Remi glared at him.

“You got something to say?”


“Keep it that way,” she sharply replied.

This was all too much. They were overwhelming me. I expected the club to kick me out. They had enough trouble with that other club and then I added my drama to their plate. Still, I was grateful for their kindness.

“I need to put the girls down,” I muttered, before following Vicious up the stairs. The others following. Like the downstairs, the upstairs was massive and open. From the landing atop the stairs was a wide-open space that connected two hallways. Both hallways were larger than average and I wondered if Vicious had designed it that way. Turning to the right, the first door we passed, Vicious told me it belonged to Elizabeth. I said nothing as he opened the door and I spotted Elizabeth asleep in a big canopy bed. Beautifully decorated, I could tell a lot of work went into Beth’s room. The perfect girl’s room.

Moving to the next door, he opened it and I found a toddler bed and crib already set up. There was even a small pink rug on the floor between the two. “Andi and Bri can sleep in here,” he said, as I walked into the room and lay Andi down on the toddler bed, then covered her up. Moving about the room, I said nothing as Sandman placed Bri in the crib, who turned over, curling up with her thumb in her mouth.

Settling both girls in bed, I checked them myself once more before gently closing the door shut. Following Vicious back the way we came, he passed the open sitting room and down the hallway to the left of the stairs, stopping before another door. Opening it, I saw another crib. “Thought the littlest one needed to be close. This room is next to the master.”

Nodding, I walked into the room with Ghost behind me and said nothing as he placed Charlie in the crib. Settled and sleeping peacefully, Julie walked over and placed a monitor at the foot of the crib.

With all the girls finally asleep, Vicious ushered me out of the room towards the master, where I found an enormous bed in the middle of the room against the far wall, a single dresser and one nightstand. The walls were void of color, like the rest of the house. I knew he said he had just moved in yesterday, but I would have thought he would have at least had it painted.

“This is your room.”

Turning to him in shock, I shook my head. “No, I can’t. This is the master. It’s yours.”

“I’ll sleep at the clubhouse.”

“This is your home. I’ll take one of the spare rooms.”

“They’re not furnished. Only Elizabeth’s room is completely done, and only because Remi and the other girls helped her pick out what she wanted. I’m not good at decorating and shit. I’m better with bikes,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked everywhere but at me. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he was nervous. “Look, I know everything is moving fast, but I’m the only one beside Savage who has a house big enough. I don’t know why I had this place built, but Elizabeth said she wanted a big house with a lot of rooms.”

I smiled at that.

“So, you built her a dream house.”

“Yeah.” He blushed. Seeing the bedroom door and his escape a few steps away, he backed away. “Tomorrow, get what you want. I don’t care. Buy everything you see. Decorate the place as you want. I don’t care. I’d get some sleep because Remi can shop, so can the others.”

Closing the door behind him, I stood there in the large master bedroom, stunned.

I was bone tired by the time morning rolled around. I barely got any sleep and woke to a crying baby before the sun even came up. Rushing downstairs to make a bottle, I found Vicious cooking as he talked to Elizabeth, who had already made a bottle for me. Hugging the sweet girl, I headed back upstairs to feed, change, and place Charlie back in her crib. Rushing through my morning shower, I quickly dressed, ready to start my day. Andi and Bri both woke, happy and full of giggles. With Beth’s help, we got them dressed and went downstairs, where I found Vicious dishing plates with scrambled eggs and pancakes. I smiled when he handed me a cup of coffee. Before breakfast was done, Remi and some wives showed up in mass, ready to shop. I was concerned about leaving the girls when Vicious informed me he and the brothers would look after them. Unsure about leaving them, Sandman took the decision out of my hands when he quickly grabbed Brianna, who giggled and clapped happily to see him, as Sunny headed upstairs for Charlie.

“Go. We’ve got the girls,” Vicious stated clearly.

“Dad told me everything. I’ll help watch them.” Beth smiled, then added, “And don’t forget to get to have fun.”

I kissed all the girls before leaving and by the time we left the baby store, my feet were killing me. I understood the need to get the girls everything, but I didn’t realize what that entailed.

Holy crap, did babies need a bunch of stuff?

Instead of getting two cribs, Ari showed me a crib that grew with the baby, from a crib to a toddler bed, to a full-size bed. With matching dressers, changing tables and a small nightstand for each. I also grabbed two highchairs, a booster seat for Andi, three new car seats, along with mobiles, diaper bags, so much clothing, diapers, blankets, bedding, bottles, sippy-cups, bibs, pacifiers, anything the girls could need.

When the ladies and I hit the clothing section, it was girls gone wild as each one veered off and started grabbing everything and anything pink, blue, purple, green or yellow. The girls had jumpers, sleepers, jeans, dresses, shorts, onesies, mounds of socks, bows and ribbons for their hair and shoes. Dear God, did those little girls have a lot of shoes? By the time we left, I cringed when the salesclerk said, “That will be seventeen thousand and seventy-eight dollars and thirty-seven cents.”

“Excuse me?” I gaped in shock at the amount.

Remi laughed, taking the card from my hand. “First time, mom of three.”