Page 20 of Vicious

“You didn’t take a turn.”

“No, I didn’t.”


“Because that would make me a hypocrite. You are not the only one in the doghouse Vicious. Though your actions were decidedly less severe than mine. Let’s just say when it comes time for my punishment, I’ll be lucky to walk away alive.”

“What did you do?”

“Something I never imagined doing. Look Vicious, I made a mistake that could cost me everything when it’s revealed. Until then, I’m biding my time, praying I can fix it. As for your situation, I think you best get home and fix this while you can. There are some things that are unforgivable. Yours isn’t, so find a way to fix it.”

Looking at my President, I saw sorrow, regret and pain in his eyes. Three things I’d never seen before. The man was hurting, and I wondered what it was he did to cause such grief. Whatever it was, I hoped he would find a way to make things better. The man looked defeated as he trudged up the steps in the clubhouse to his room. For the last two weeks, he slept in the clubhouse instead of going home to his wife.

Making my way home, I stood before the large two-story home and saw that most of the lights were out, save for a light on in the living room. I didn’t know why I couldn’t move from the spot as I looked at the house. It was a pleasant home. Everything my daughter wanted. It looked perfect. Almost as if I designed it myself. It had everything, from the large wrap-around porch to a two-car garage. With the hanging ferns and pretty flowers around the front steps, the house looked like the perfect family home.

I couldn’t bring myself to step inside. Not after what she heard. She was in there. I knew she was. Was she sleeping in my bed again? I could easily find out. All I had to do was walk inside.

“Whatcha doing?”

Turning, I saw Sandman leaning against a tree that lined the property. Looking bored as he cleaned his nails with a pocketknife, Sandman stared at me. Waiting.

“Debating if I should go inside or sleep on the porch.”

“Decided yet?”


“Ain’t gonna fix itself,” he said, before pushing off the tree and walking away. I liked that about Sandman. He didn’t mince words. He was a simple man. Barely spoke, but when he did, we all knew he was saying something important.

Taking a step, I headed for the front door when it was flung open. Stopping dead in my tracks, I stared at her. She was there, looking at me in her pajamas. Her hair balled up on the top of her head. Instead of anger, all I saw was worry. When she walked towards me, I heard her gasp. “What happened?”

Not understanding, I asked, “What?”

“Your face.”

“Oh,” I muttered, wincing when I tried to smirk, “It’s nothing.”

“Doesn’t look like it.”

“All will be fine in a few days.”

Then she went and did the one thing I never thought would happen. She reached out and took my hand. Looking down at our hands, I knew I was right. Her skin was as soft as it looked.

“Come with me,” she said, pulling my arm, insisting I follow. Unsure about everything, I did just that.

The house was too damn quiet as I sat at the kitchen table while she grabbed a wet rag and a bag of emergency supplies. Placing the bag on the table, she rummaged inside until she found what she was looking for. Before I could stop her, she leaned over me and placed the warm rag on my split lip.

Instead of putting me in my place, she said nothing while she cleaned up my face. She was gentle as the rag cleaned up the blood. Being this close to her, I could see a light spray of freckles that adorned her nose. Her soft plump rosy lips, that she lightly bit, as I winced. Her long eyelashes caressed her cheeks as she blinked. I could feel her soft, warm breath as it washed over my skin. She was everything I wasn’t. Soft to my hard. Gentle to my roughness. Beauty to my beast. She was perfect and when her cool, ice-blue eyes landed on mine, something unfurled deep inside me, bursting forward as I felt myself fall deep into her abyss.

“Linsey, I want to apologize.”

She frowned, shaking her head. “This cut is deep, Vicious. I’m going to have to put butterfly strips on it.”

“I’m really sorry. I was an ass.”

“You have a bruised jaw too. You may have trouble chewing for a few days.”

“Linsey, please,” I said, covering my hand with hers. She took a step back, folding her arms around her waist, not really looking at me. “It’s late. I think you can handle the rest.”