Page 18 of Vicious

I didn’t need fancy clothes, money or fast cars. I just wanted one man who wanted me for me. It was Davina who begged our mother to allow me to go away to college and to change my last name. It was hard enough being the spare, but to go to college with the last name Duchene, well, that was going to be impossible. I knew it, and so did Davina. In the end, mother gave her blessing.

Those four years at college were some of the best moments of my life. I made friends, went to parties and learned so much about life outside of the Duchene lifestyle. What I learned and loved the most was the ability to walk down the street and know that no one knew who I really was.

I was free.

Free from the constraints of my birth.

Free from my family name.

Now I was back in my gilded cage and no one could help me. I knew eventually I would have to take the girls back to Denver or New York. I would have to start my role as caretaker and CEO of the company.

My life would never be my own again.

I would never be free again.

By the time they set the last piece of furniture in place, I looked around the beautiful home and sighed. It was done. The house boasted comfortable but durable furniture. The kitchen was stocked and ready for the next meal. The ladies thought of everything, from the towels hanging on racks down to the draperies on the windows. It had taken most of the day and thanks to the ol’ ladies’ help, they made wonderful use of their time.

“Dinner is on the stove,” Ari said, walking into the living room to find me. “It’s not much, just a simple stew, but it will fill your bellies. I’ve made sure the fridge is full and there are plenty of snacks for the girls in the pantry.”

“Thank you, Ari.”

Hearing Sunny and Julie walk down the stairs, I smiled as Sunny said, “All right Linsey. The girls are clean and ready for bed. They are with Elizabeth in her room. She is reading to them.”

Nodding, I stayed rooted in my spot as I stared out the front window. He was out there somewhere. I knew he was. Just like I knew, eventually he would walk into his house. The more I thought about it, the more I worried. What if he didn’t like what I picked out?

“Linsey?” Julie walked over to me and rubbed my arms. “Breathe honey. It’s going to be okay.”

I shook my head. “He doesn’t want me here. It’s wrong for me to stay here. He was very clear.”

Julie looked at Sunny, who frowned.

“Linsey,” Ari soothed, “I know you’re uncomfortable. After hearing what Vicious said, I would be as well. I just don’t know what to say to make this better for you.”

“There is nothing to say,” I murmured, as a lone tear fell down my cheek. “My whole life, I knew where I stood. When I moved here, I thought I could find my happiness. A life of my own. Be who I wanted to be. For a small minute, I thought I might have my dream. I know I’m being silly and I probably imagined it all, but I thought he liked me. When he offered to help, I believed he genuinely wanted to help me. How could I have been so wrong?”

“You weren’t wrong Linsey,” Ari admitted. “We all saw the way he looks at you. You didn’t imagine anything. Vicious isn’t like the other brothers.”

Turning to look at Ari, I asked, “What does that mean? I’ve heard several of you say that. Is there something worrisome I need to be concerned about? Are the girls and I safe here?”

“What my Angel is trying to say is that Vicious has never had a home,” Ghost said, making himself known. We all turned to face him and I asked, “What do you mean? Everyone has a home.”

“Not Vicious. His parents died when he was young, and then his grandfather died when he was sixteen. Since then, Vicious has been alone.”

“But he has you and the club.”

Ghost shook his head. “Not really. Yeah, he’s a patched brother, but for years Vicious was a nomad. Never settling in one place too long. That does something to a man. Spending day in and day out on the open road, the sun in your faces. No home that needs us. It’s freeing for the wanderer. For someone like Vicious, it’s hard to settle in one place after all that time.”

“And because Elizabeth wanted to stay…”

“Yes. He’s only here for her. He won’t leave her alone here. The school he bought protected her. No one knew about her. Now, it’s different. In a way, you and Vicious are a lot alike. Diverse backgrounds, but the same. You never felt like you belonged and Vicious belonged to no one. Both of you have been searching your whole lives for something. I think if you can give him a chance, he might be just what you’ve been looking for.”

I smirked. “Are you really going to play matchmaker?”

Ghost grinned as Ari walked into his arms. “What can I say? I found the love of my life when I wasn’t looking. All I’m saying is that this whole situation is unique. Sometimes fate puts you in a situation for a reason. You may not like it, but you are here. Why, is for you to figure out.”

