His face goes white at the same time a soft gasp sounds from behind me.Shit.Ainsley heard that. I know I should have told her sooner, but I couldn't think of a way to casually say that I'm a millionaire several times over. I don'thaveto live the simple life that I do, but I want to.

I can’t worry about that right now though. First, I need to get rid of this asshole.

“And,” I continue, “All of my income is legitimate. It’s real money in the bank, not just empty promises to clients who trusted me with their life savings.”

“What the… what exactly are you implying?” His voice is lower now, but his anger has tripled.

I grab the collar of his shirt and pull the pathetic man toward me, dragging him up to meet my gaze.

“You’re not the only one with friends in high places,” I grind out, staring into his soulless eyes. “And word on the street is that your investment firm is nothing but a ponzi scheme, old man.”

“That’s just, I mean, that’s…. Preposterous. Slander, is what that is, Brewer.”

“It’s only slander if it’s untrue. My source has plenty of records and bank statements to back up their claim. I’m sure your clients would be interested in seeing this information. Or perhaps the FBI?”

I watch as his face turns from furious to flustered, a deep satisfaction rolling through me. Valentino definitely came through with the information I needed.

Setting the man back down on the ground, he stumbles back a few steps before regaining his composure.

“Well now, just hold on a minute. I think we can come to some sort of agreement, don’t you?”

Is he for fucking real right now?

“The only agreement I’ll be making with you is that if you leave here right now and never come back or tell a soul what you found, then I won’t completely destroy you. Don’t get me wrong; I will be ending your career and blackballing you from every potential investor. You’ll be stripped of your wealth and arrogance by this time tomorrow.But, if you leave here right now, I’ll leave enough for you and your wife to settle into a nice apartment and find a job far away from the business world. Maybe a waiter or a custodian. Both admirable professions, and certainly more honest than your current career.”

He gapes at me, wide-eyed and trembling. I see droplets of sweat forming on his forehead as he processes everything I've said. The man closes his mouth, takes a breath, and then opens it again like he's going to say something. I sear him with a deadly look, and the cowers before scrambling off in his fancy-ass car.

I watch him peel out, his car sliding on the gravel as he high tails it down the mountain. Once the dust trail disappears, I take a calming breath and prepare to face my angel. I pray she can forgive me for keeping my wealth a secret.

No sooner do I turn around than she’s launching herself into my arms. I catch her easily and crush her into my chest as she wraps her arms and legs around me. “Did you mean it?” she whispers into the side of my neck.

“Yes. I’ve been successful in my business venture, and I hardly ever spend any money since the mountain provides everything for me. Add on to that some good investments that paid off in spades, and I’m a very wealthy man,” I answer softly.

I brace myself for her disappointment or for her face to crumble with a look of betrayal. Instead, Ainsley shakes her head.

“Not that,” she says dismissively. “The other part. About me being your wife soon?”

My heart just about bursts in my chest at her words. Of course my firefly doesn’t care about my money. She cares about being mine, being home, being with me forever. I should have never doubted her.

“I’ve never meant anything more. As soon as you let me, I want to make it official. I know it’s fast, but—"

“But it’s true. It’s real,” she repeats the words I told her last night.

“So fucking real,” I agree, kissing her all over her face.

Ainsley cups my cheeks and brushes her mouth against mine. I sip at her lips, then slide my tongue inside, savoring everything about her. She sighs so sweetly when we break apart, nuzzling into my neck and kissing me there. I love when she does that. I feel her smiling into my skin like she knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

“We don’t know everything about each other yet, but I know we belong together. I know you’re not like my parents. You’re nothing like the world I came from, and I love that about you. You’re perfect for me.”

Well, damn. My eyes sting with unshed tears. “I’m not perfect, Firefly, but I will love you better than anyone else.”

“You already do,” she whispers. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

I cup the back of her neck and guide her face up towards mine so I can rest my forehead on hers.

“You, my beautiful angel, are the one who rescued me. You’ve given me everything, filled in my missing pieces, hell, you made more room in my heart just so you could fill that, too. I never want to be without you, not ever.”

“I’m good with that,” she says with a grin.