Ainsley stirs slightly, her ass pressing up against my morning wood. I bite back a groan but can’t stop my hand from sliding down her torso and cupping her bare pussy. This time I can’t hold in my groan. She’s fuckingdrenchedfor me. My dirty little angel must be having some good dreams.

She sighs so sweetly and grinds into me as I massage her little bundle of nerves. Ainsley moans softly, though I don’t think she’s awake yet. My lips find the side of her neck, and I kiss her there, breathing her in.

I dip one finger into her entrance, and then two, slowly thrusting in and out, massaging her walls as I grind the heel of my palm into her clit. Ainsley gasps and tenses in my arms, and I know she’s awake.

“Brewer…” she cries out, bucking her hips and taking more of me. She raises her arm over her head and tangles her fingers in my hair, pulling me down and urging me to kiss her neck. I gladly do, licking and nipping at her sensitive skin. “So good…”

I growl at her sexy, needy little whimper and guide her top leg over mine. I wedge my aching cock in between her ass cheeks, seeking some relief but not entering her. “What were you dreaming about, firefly? You were so fucking wet for me, I couldn’t resist.”

“I-I… I dreamed...” she gasps as a wave of her arousal gushes over my fingers, still buried deep inside of her swollen channel. “Y-you were…”

I withdraw my hand and smack her clit, just hard enough to sting. Her broken cry and pulsing pussy let me know she likes a little pain with her pleasure. “Tell me,” I grunt, caging her clit in with a finger on either side. I rub up and down, keeping her aching for me, but not touching her where she needs me most.

“Oh God, please…pleasefuckme,” she whines, her whole body shaking with desire.

I chuckle at hearing her swear word. My angel is as sweet and polite as they come, but I’m teaching her to let go of her old life and embrace life with me. “Tell me what you were dreaming about. I’ll remind you every day that you can be whoever you want to be up here on the mountain. I know you want to be my filthy angel, so tell me. Tell me about your dream and I’ll make it come true.”

“You were… making love to me,” she says softly. It’s not what I was expecting, but I love that she’s opening up to me. “Slowly, at first. I felt… cherished.”

“You are, Firefly,” I whisper into the shell of her ear before kissing the sensitive spot underneath it. I begin pumping my fingers in and out of her, slowly, just like she’s describing. “What else, love?”

“You picked up your speed, but still took your time, driving me insane,” she murmurs.

“Like this?” I ask, thrusting into her faster as I place open-mouthed kisses over her shoulder.

"Yes," Ainsley moans. "You went faster with each thrust like you couldn't control yourself."

“I can’t,” I grunt, adding a third finger and fucking her hard and fast. I curl my fingers up and tap her G-spot over and over. Ainsley tightens her hold on my hair, tugging at the strands to the point of pain. I fucking love it.

She’s so close, so goddamn close. Her cream drips out of her as she writhes in my arms. I hold her there, keeping her orgasm just beneath the surface. I feel it claw at her insides, making her whimper with each breath.

Right before it hits, I take my hand away, moving it to her ass and spreading her cheeks. Without warning, I line up to her entrance and push her over the edge with one long, powerful thrust. She fucking falls headfirst into her climax, screaming my name and soaking my dick with her release.

I hold still inside of her, growling as I feel her orgasm ripple around my cock. Before she has a chance to recover, I begin hammering into her, setting a relentless pace. I grip her breast roughly, using them as leverage to fuck into her harder, hitting her so damn deep with each stroke.

“B-Brewer… Brewer, fuck, fuck, fuck yes,” she chants over and over. I drop my hand from her breast and blur my fingers over her clit until her pussy clenches around me and soaks me with another orgasm.

I pull out and flip her on her back, wrenching her legs apart and slamming home. Her back bows off the bed and her legs wrap around me, holding me close. She digs her heels into my ass and claws my back, leaving her mark on me.

“Jesus, fuck,” I snarl, before claiming her lips as my own.

I devour her, biting at her lips and spearing my tongue inside of her eager mouth, licking up every inch and then sucking on her tongue. It’s a wild, messy kiss, one that matches the way I’m fucking her like a goddamn animal.

I slide one hand down her body and grip her ass cheek, changing the angle of her hips and helping her meet me thrust for thrust. My cock scrapes against her most sensitive spot with each fierce stroke.

She’s breaking apart for me; I can feel it. Every time I hit the end of her, she cracks a little more, the pressure of her orgasm building and pulsing and pushing her boundaries.

My balls draw up tight as my own orgasm gathers in the base of my spine. My rhythm falters slightly as I try to hold on, needing her to come with me. “Get there, angel, fuck, please get there. Need one more from you.”

“It’s too much, too much…”

“I’ve got you, Firefly. Let go for me, I’m right here. Let go, love.”

She sucks in a huge breath and holds it, her whole body trembling and then freezing. Every damn muscle is pulled so tight as she clings to me with everything she has. With one last brutal thrust, we both shatter completely.

Ainsley floods my cock with her release, and I give her everything in return, my cum splashing into her throbbing pussy as she sucks down every last drop. We’re both grunting, shaking, sweating as we ride that high together.

Eventually, Ainsley goes limp in my arms. I bury my face into the side of her neck and pump into her twice more before collapsing. I roll to the side and drape my freshly fucked little angel over my chest.