Ainsley drops back down onto the couch as a sleepy smile spreads across her flushed face. I give her pussy one last kiss before sitting up and pulling her into my lap. I know we need to clean up eventually, but right now, we need this. She snuggles into my chest as I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.

I don't know how long we stay like that, but eventually, Ainsley pops her head up and gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen. I'm so caught up in memorizing every single thing about her sparkling eyes and wide smile, I miss the question she asked.

"Brewer?" she prompts, lifting an eyebrow and giving me a cheeky little grin like she knew exactly what I was doing. I kiss her nose and wink at her.

“Yeah, Firefly?”

“Could we go on that tour now? I’ve always loved animals. I asked for a pet every year for my birthday and Christmas for as long as I can remember, but mom said they were dirty and—"

“Unladylike?” I finish for her. She nods. “Fuck that. You can have whatever you want. Let me show you the farm animals I have, and you tell me what else you’d like.”

Her teal eyes search mine in disbelief. “Really?”

“Absolutely. Without question. I’d give you the world, Ainsley.” And I would. Truthfully, I really could get her anything she could ever want. But I don’t know how she’ll take that news. She wants nothing to do with wealth or money. I just hope she knows she’s it for me, no matter what. I’d give up everything for her.

My firefly grins and kisses my cheek before hopping off of my lap. I grip her hips and pull her back down, cupping her face and kissing her properly. No way I’m letting her get away with a little peck on the cheek. When we break apart, Ainsley smiles and sighs so sweetly before waltzing away toward the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, we've both cleaned up a bit and changed our clothes. Ainsley is in another oversized shirt of mine, matched with another set of equally as oversized socks that crawl halfway up her legs.

She doesn't have anything else aside from her tattered wedding gown, but it's been crumpled in the corner of the bathroom since last night. Neither one of us seems to want to even look at it, let alone touch it. I hate the thought of her walking down the aisle to another man. Thankfully, she didn't. In fact, she ran in the opposite direction, right up the mountain and into my arms.

I lace my fingers in hers while we walk to the pens I have set up on the east side of my property. Tugging her into my side, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and kiss the top of her head. Ainsley stumbles a bit in the pair of boots I set her up with. They are comically large on her otherwise small frame, but there’s no denying how fucking cute she is, drowning in my clothes.

I scoop her up, loving when she giggles and kisses the side of my neck. I carry her the rest of the way to the chicken coop, setting her down once we’re inside.

“Oh wow! They are so beautiful!” she exclaims. “Is this why the eggs were in a bowl in the fridge instead of a carton?”

“Yup. Fresh eggs every morning. No store-bought stuff here, if I can help it.”

Ainsley turns and looks at me over her shoulder with the softest smile on her lips. Her teal eyes sparkle with something close to adoration. I’ll spend every second of every day getting her to look at me like that again.

“That’s amazing,” she says softly, beaming at me with excitement. “Is that why the spice jars were all labeled by hand? Do you grow everything yourself?”

I nod, swallowing around the lump of emotion in my throat. Knowing my woman approves makes me so damn proud of the work I’ve done. I realize now it was all for her. I take her hand in mine and squeeze her delicate fingers.

“Want to see?”

She nods enthusiastically, and fuck, I feel like my heart might burst with happiness.

We wander around my property -ourproperty - for the next few hours. I show her the greenhouse where I grow all kinds of herbs, vegetables, and some fruit. She's so excited about every new thing she sees, asking questions, and even requesting a few things she'd like to see in the future so she can make certain dishes. Damn, hearing her plan for the future is every-fucking-thing to me.

After visiting the sheep and lone dairy cow, Ainsley yawns and stretches, her arms reaching up to the sky as she bows her back. The hem of the shirt she’s wearing rides up, making me bite back a groan. When she looks at me with a naughty, mischievous little twinkle in her eye, all bets are off.

Ainsley is slung over my shoulder in the next second as I storm back to the house. Her giggles fill the air, as well as my soul. I love this woman with everything I am. I close my eyes and thank the mountain for trusting her to my care.

“Where are we going?” she asks, smacking my ass playfully. I reciprocate, spanking her perky little cheeks. Ainsley laughs again and then relaxes in my hold.

“I’ve got plans for you, firefly.”

“Oh yeah?” Her once playful voice is now deeper, almost sultry. She’s so damn sexy without even trying.

“Fuck yeah,” I growl.

“Well, hurry up then!”

I bark out a laugh and then spank her harder, groaning when she gasps and wiggles.

“Whatever you say, angel.” With that, I jog the rest of the way to the cabin, my precious cargo in tow.