As soon as Raffe is within three feet of my hiding spot, I jump out, dagger in one hand, switchblade in the other. I slash that motherfucker’s big jowls, smiling like a psycho when crimson pours out of his wound.
“What the fu–”
I stab Raffe in the gut with the dagger in my other hand, twisting the knife before shoving the bastard backward. He collapses on the ground with a satisfying thud, and I stand over him, pressing my foot down on his chest as I watch the life drain from his eyes. Good riddance.
Wrapping my hand around the handle of the dagger, I’m about to pull it out when a horrid screech fills the air.
“Katya! Katya what the fuck?”
I freeze in place, not sure if I should run or try to fight him. Trembling from head to toe, I look up to see my father sprinting in my direction.
“Are you involved with this raid? How the fuck… Where the fuck…?”
He’s panting as he approaches, and I quickly withdraw the knife from Raffe’s side, holding it out in front of me.
“Really?” my father scoffs. “You think you can kill me? You’remine, Katya. My daughter. And youwillsubmit to my authority.”
“N-no,” I say in a shaky voice.
My father sneers at me, taking a step closer. “Fucking ungrateful bitch. You killed one contender for your hand in marriage, but I’ve got a dozen lined up. You will fulfill your destiny of expanding my empire, child. One way or another.”
Something catches my attention from the corner of my eye, behind my father, and off to the right. Without moving, I flick my gaze in that direction, and relief hits me square in the chest. Valentino is here. He puts his finger to his lips, and I blink in acknowledgment. Valentino tips his chin up, motioning for me to lead my father past where he’s squatting behind a few wooden pallets.
“I will die before submitting to you or helping you in any way,” I spit out.
My father’s eyes grow wide with fury, and I take the opportunity to throw the dagger in his direction before taking off toward Valentino.
“Fucking cunt,” my dad growls, dodging the blade and stumbling back while I sprint away.
I pump my legs as fast as I can, pushing myself until my muscles scream and my lungs burn. I’m vaguely aware of my father lumbering behind me, but I keep running, leading him straight to Valentino.
“You can’t escape me, I’m–”
“Nothing to her,” Valentino roars, seconds before tackling my father to the ground. “You selfish, worthless, tiny man,” he continues, placing his boot on my dad’s throat as he stands once more.
I turn, keeping my distance from their fight but staying close enough to jump in if necessary. My dad tries fighting back, but he’s no match for Valentino. I watch as my man pulls out a gun, aiming it directly at my father’s forehead. He looks at me, silently asking permission.
I nod once, squeezing my eyes shut when I hear the gun go off.
All hell breaks loose at that one shot. Shouts, more gunshots, engines revving, tires squealing, and complete pandemonium surrounds me. It’s all too much, and right before I curl into a ball and cover myself for protection, Valentino is by my side.
“Surprise?” I say weakly, not sure how upset he is with me.
Valentino shakes his head, then scoops me up in his arms. “I suppose me telling you how dangerous this was won’t have any bearing on you doing it again?”
“Probably not,” I confirm, resting my head on his shoulder as he carries me back through the alley I was hiding in originally.
He lets out a small chuckle, then kisses my forehead. “Let’s get you home, princess.”
As soon as we make it back to my car, I get Katya settled in the passenger’s seat and then peel out of the alley, heading straight to my home. Our home.
I grip the steering wheel and adjust in my seat, the adrenaline coursing through me and making it hard to sit still. Stealing a glance at Katya, I see she’s staring out the window, her blank face reflected in the glass. She’s shaking, her breaths fast and shallow.
Jesus, when I heard Marco Colombo scream Katya’s name, my mind went blank. Nothing else mattered except getting to my woman. Everything had been going smoothly until one of the dead guard’s walkie-talkies went off. We thought we took out everyone watching over the weapons stockpile, but apparently not. I was checking the perimeter for anyone we missed when Marco screamed.