Page 12 of Valentino

I can’t contain the smile that stretches across my face. “Well, it certainly couldn’t hurt.”

Valentino flashes me a rare and radiant smile. I’ll treasure it forever.

“Okay, then. I’ll get to work on our drinks,” I inform him, clapping my hands and rubbing them together. I need a hot chocolate concoction that will soften Valentino’s defenses. No pressure.

He points to where the mugs are, along with a saucepan. I hum to myself as I heat up the milk on the stove, stirring constantly so it doesn’t burn. Turning off the burner, I set the milk to the side to cool down a bit.

Pondering the perfect combination, I decide to stick with dark chocolate for both of us. We can branch out into the fancier flavors later.If there is a later.I shove that thought way down deep, unable to unpack why the thought of leaving physically pains me.

I stir the milk into the first mug, making sure to get rid of all the clumps of chocolate powder. Next, I grab the canned whipped cream and execute the perfect swirl right on top, followed by a dusting of rainbow sprinkles and a few strategically placed mini chocolate chips. I finish the decadent drink with a marshmallow nestled on top of the whipped cream, like a star on top of a Christmas tree.

I look over my shoulder to where Valentino is sitting at the kitchen table, his eyes fixed on me. I should find it unnerving, but I like his attention. I want him to look at me, to praise me, to tell me I’m beautiful again.

As I approach the table, Valentino’s gaze drops from mine to the beverage in my hand. His eyes go wide as I set it down in front of him, making me giggle.

“Holy shit,” he mumbles.

“Too much?” I ask self-consciously, rocking back and forth on my heels.

Dammit. I should have scaled back, gone with something simpler. Of course, it’s too–

“No,” he’s quick to respond. He sounds almost angry, but I don’t think it’s directed at me. Honestly, he sounds defensive, as if I’m going to take his drink away from him. That makes me light up from the inside. Valentino is so freaking cute, and he has no idea. “It’s a masterpiece.”

I’m sure my ecstatic smile is giving away all of my feelings for this man, but at this moment, I don’t care. I watch intently as Valentino takes a sip, waiting for his approval.

“Sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” he says.

“Is that… bad?”

“No. I expect nothing less from you, princess.”

My eyebrows shoot up to my forehead at his words. What does that mean?

Valentino takes another sip, his eyes never leaving mine. I grin when he sets the mug down, pointing out his whipped cream mustache and dollop on the tip of his nose.

“Do I have something on my face?” he asks, a smirk pulling at his lips.

I nod, taking a step closer. Valentino scoots his chair back from the table and holds out his hand. I take it and let him draw me toward him until I’m standing in front of him, between his legs.

My heart thuds against my ribcage, each beat echoing throughout my chest and down my spine.

“Can you get it for me?” he rasps, never breaking eye contact.

I’m helpless to do anything other than obey. Reaching out, I swipe the cream off his nose and lick it off my finger without thinking about it. Valentino’s eyes flash with something dark and fierce, but it’s gone before I can be sure it was there in the first place.

My breathing grows shallow as I lift my hand to his face, and my fingers shake as they hover over his lips. I drag my thumb across his top lip, gathering up the whipped cream. Valentino surprises me by looping his fingers around my wrist and pulling my hand toward him.

His wicked gaze never leaves mine as he licks the whipped cream off of the tip of my thumb, grunting in approval before wrapping his lips around my digit and sucking.

“Valentino,” I murmur, my breath caught in my throat.

“Katya,” he growls, making me weak in the knees. “Come here, princess.” He pats his lap and helps me straddle him, smoothing his hands up and down my bare thighs.

I steady myself with my hands on his shoulders, giggling when he bounces me once.

“God, what you do to me…” He trails off, sliding one hand up my spine until his fingers tangle in my hair. Tugging slightly, he pulls my head back, exposing my neck. Valentino ghosts his lips up and down my column, pausing to nip at an extra sensitive spot below my ear.

I squeeze my thighs around him, needing something. Needing everything, but not sure how to ask for it.