Page 72 of Forbidden

I'm more aware than he assumes. I was careless yesterday and wasn't using my head. Of course whoever is watching me tampered with my car. They knew the exact moment to do it too. Shrugging off his hand, I nod. “I know…and thanks.”

“Yeah sure.” He offers a soft smile. “And don't worry, I won't say anything to him. I'll let you do that yourself.”

“I thought you two told each other everything,” I quip.

“Your business isn't mine to tell. Besides, he'd prefer it if it came from you, and I think the blow would be softer if it did.” He drops his hand from me and takes a step back.

I close the small distance between us, leaning into him in case someone's listening nearby. “Then you must not know my dad as well as you think you do. He's not a man who will go easy either way.”

I walk back to the church and Andres follows closely behind me, not breathing another word. My dad and Fernando are searching for us both with frantic eyes, just as I expected they would.

“Where were you?” Fernando asks low in my ear, tickling my skin with his warm breath.

“On a short walk with Andres.” Our arms bump together.

“What for?”

“I don't know. Family bonding?” I smirk at him playfully.

“Why do I have a feeling you're keeping something from me again?”

Ignoring his question, I walk ahead toward the entrance and he catches up to me. Following behind a long line, we enter the church hall and quickly fill the wooden pews.

Grabbing our Bibles from the back of the seats, we both sit at the same time, so close our sides are pressed tightly together. Even though everyone is staring ahead, I feel as if we have eyes on us from every direction.

“Relax,pequeño, or else everyone else will see how anxious you are.”

I flatten my left hand on my thigh and he mimics my movement with his right fingers, leading our pinkies to touch. My heart does a flip and the edge of my nail presses tighter to his as I relax against the back of the bench.


I press my lips together to keep from smiling. “Si.”

Music plays and the priest walks toward the sanctuary. Smoke from the incense fills the air around us and then the priest finally stands at the altar next to the deacon. The room goes silent before the priest starts speaking. I struggle to keep my eyes off Fernando during the whole service, smashing the sides of our shoes together and taking advantage of the hand holding during Our Father, grasping on to Fernando's hand while his thumb caresses the top of mine.

When Mass ends, everyone slowly stands up, making their way toward the exit. We stay where we are, watching them all gather in front of the building to chat and visit with one another. “Who was she?” I ask as soon as we're alone.

He lifts a brow, leaning into me. “Who?”

“The beautiful woman flirting with you earlier? You two seemed to know each other very well.”

He laughs and it's lighthearted. A sound just for me. “We are old friends is all. Nothing for you to worry about, I assure you.”

“Looked like she wanted to be more than friends.”

He stares ahead, leaning forward. “Doesn't mean I do. We've tried it once and it didn't work out. She isn't the one for me.” He glances back at me with warm eyes. My heart speeds up so fast it feels as if it's about to jump out of my chest.

“I wanted to rip the false lashes from her eyes when she touched you.”

“Now I see your reason for the short walk.” A smirk plays on his lips.

“He knows about us. Andres.”

“He— How?” His brows knit together.

“Apparently we aren't very subtle.”

“You mean you aren't.” His pinky softly caresses mine.