Page 71 of Forbidden

Fernando's car also has a tracker attached and once it's removed, we both slip into the car and drive toward the church. He leaves the hatchet where we found it with the plan to come back for it later. He chose to leave the dreadful tool behind based on the way I kept tensing up every time we got too close to it.

The weight of his hand falls over mine, offering me a warmth and comfort I badly need. Sinking back into the seat, I close my eyes and focus on everything good around me. The way our skin touches. Our breaths syncing together. His woodsy scent filling the car. He squeezes my fingers with his own as the car slows down and I'm not sure how I'll be able to sit still the rest of the day without it.

“We're here. Did you want to wait a while before going inside?”

Parting my lips, I glance his way before I look at our joined hands. “Maybe a few more minutes.”

“Then we'll wait a few minutes.” He briefly removes his hand from mine to place the car in park before tangling us together again. “It's only for a few hours. You can do it. I know you can.”

His reassuring words settle something inside me and I'll be taking them with me as we walk to the church, replaying them on a loop in my head. “Until my father forces us to lunch afterward.”

“I'll be here to help you face each hurdle at a time. Let's first get through this one before worrying about others.” He twists the keys in the ignition, shutting off the car.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly release it as he lets go of my hand and opens the car door. We can't stay here forever. I can delay us all I want but eventually we'll have to step back into the world with everyone else. If only I didn't dread the thought so much. We both exit the car and slowly approach the church, forcing a large gap between us.

The space is painful, the air feeling too thick and heavy. Forcing my gaze away from his hand and ignoring the way it calls to mine, I glance toward the church's covered steps. Tons of people wait outside, laughing, talking, and hugging. My dad looks right at us as we walk closer, and he quickly moves down the steps. “You two made it.”

“We did,” I respond before Fernando can.

“Any issues on the way here?” My dad's eyes move between us.

“I wasn't feeling too well when I first woke up,” I say, shifting my feet.

My dad's brows furrow in concern. “Did you need more rest? Fernando can take you back—”

I rest my hand on his shoulder. “It's okay. I'm fine, Dad. It passed quickly.”

His face relaxes and he smiles. “Good. I'm glad. I'm going to visit with a few friends and then I'll see you two inside.” As he's turning around, he pauses halfway and glances back. “By the way, where's Ricardo?”

“I left him back at my place. I didn't feel I needed him here with Fernando, you, and Antonio close by.”

“Well then, Fernando will take you back after lunch. You shouldn't be alone. None of us need to be.” He walks away without another word and my shoulders sag. Fuck. I forgot all about Ricardo. I feel bad for the guy having to remain tied up all through lunch. I turn to Fernando and he's already walking toward two people shouting his name. One is a woman in a red dress so short you'd think she was on her way to the club, not Sunday service.

Leaning in closer to what's mine, the bitch touches Fernando's arm and shoulder while twisting her hair around her finger. My face heats and my insides scream when she whispers something in his ear, earning herself a laugh. Clutching my fists at my sides, I stomp their way, but before I get halfway, a hand drags me back. I turn around a little too quickly, ready to bite the head off the person who's trying to prevent me from showing that classless whore where not to put her hands.

I bite back my angry words when my eyes land on a frowning Andres. “I think you should come on a walk with me.”

“But mass is about to start.” It's not the reason I don’t want to go but it's the only one I can give him.

“We have ten minutes. It's obvious you can use some fresh air. I know I can. Come. We'll be back before they miss us.”

My father and Fernando are both too busy wrapped in conversation to pay us any notice. It won't be long before Fernando’s eyes search for me though. It never is. Andres grabs my arm and pulls me down the steps, leading me around the building. His hand doesn't let up no matter how much I try to break free from it.

“What is this all about? What are you doing?”

“Saving you from the mistake you were about to make,” he says low in my ear. “Look, I know how hard it can be but sometimes our brains are better used in situations where our hearts don't belong.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, using my best clueless voice, not wanting to entertain the ideas in his head. He knows. Of course he does. Would he have been able to figure something out my dad couldn't or has my dad been playing me this whole time?

“I think you know. Your dad might be oblivious to it but I'm not.” His words lessen the tightness in my chest and he carries on. “I've been exactly where you are before and in many ways I still am. What me and your dad have now is nothing more than a small step up from what we had before. The sneaking around hasn't ended.”

“Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong,” I snap at him.

“Am I?” His eyes hold on to mine and his hand releases my arm.

“Si. We should head back before they come looking for us.”

His hand falls on my shoulder, preventing me from walking any further. “You and I both know there's way more than just your father to worry about. Don't blow everything over one small mistake. They are easier to make than we realize.”