Page 62 of Forbidden

The chair shifts from side to side, only spinning halfway each time. “Or they are lying. It doesn't take much to get some of these men to change sides, not when the lives of their families or their businesses are threatened.” It's why he kept his marriage hidden and separate from this life as much as he could and the reason he stayed single for so long. When I asked him why he mostly kept to himself and never visited his siblings, he said it was harder for his enemies to hurt him if he didn't have anything for them to take.

“Maybe I'll have to give them no choice but to tell the truth then,” I say, picking up the water bottle and spinning it between my fingers.

“Don't worry. He can't run forever.”

“The longer he does, the worse his suffering will be.” Plastic crushes between my squeezing fingers and a loud knock at the door has me jumping from the chair. Tossing the bottle in the trash, I grab the Tylenol and shove my right arm behind my back. I didn't wear my prosthetic today because it's been a relief not carrying the uncomfortable extra weight around these last few days. I'm suddenly feeling naked without it as Fernando gives the go ahead for the person on the other side of the door to enter what felt like a safe haven before they arrived.

“Oh, I hope I didn't interrupt anything,” Phillip, one of our drug mules, says, giving a look of uncertainty.

“Nah.” Fernando stands from his chair, pressing a hand down the center of his suit. “Enrico stopped by to clue me in on some information he learned about who's been stealing from us. We were just finishing up.” Fernando leans forward, pressing his hands to the desk. “Did you need something?”

Phillip's eyes round and he fumbles with the bottom of his shirt. “I uh…I ran into a small problem.”

“What kind?” I ask before Fernando can.

“We got stuck in traffic and didn't meet the delivery time. When we finally got there, the man was so angry, he let some of the drugs dissolve into Jamie's stomach and ripped the rest from his body after he OD'd. He said that should teach us a lesson on being late next time.”

My face heats in anger and Fernando slams his fist into the desk beside me.

“Who was the client?” I ask, my words coming out strangled. Here I was hoping to actually have a good fucking day.

“Lincoln Matthews. He let me live to ensure his message was delivered. He expects the rest of his delivery by tomorrow afternoon.”

Fernando straightens and reaches for his phone. “He will be lucky not to have his tongue ripped from his mouth today. Fucking asshole. He kills one of our mules and expects to still get his drugs. We aren't that desperate for his business. He can buy elsewhere from now on and if he contacts us again, I'll be the one cutting his stomach open next time.”

“What are you doing?” I ask, glancing at his fingers moving quickly against the keys.

“Telling your father. I figured he'd want to contact Lincoln himself.”

“I'm perfectly capable of doing it. I'll eventually have to handle it all on my own anyway once Dad steps down.”

He pauses and then gazes at me sharply. “You'll never be on your own. I'll make sure of it.”

A creak from the door has us both looking in the direction the noise comes from, reminding us we're not the only ones in the room.

Phillip's eyes dart between us. “I should get going.”

Fernando clears his throat. “Are you sure you're going to be okay after what happened today?”

The uncertainty is clear on his face when he goes quiet for too long.

Phillip only recently came into this life due to having to pay off a heavy debt. He isn't accustomed to seeing everything we are. I don't know if I feel bad for him or if I'm envious. “Phillip? If you need time off or—”

“I—” He shakes his head eagerly. “I need to keep working. I'll be okay but—”

“What is it?” I ask, stepping close enough to notice his trembling body.

“It's just that…I have to make the next run early in the morning since Jamie can’t anymore. I'm not sure I feel comfortable going with only Alex though. Not after what happened with there only being two of us today.” Phillip's eyes are everywhere but on us.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Fernando shoves his phone in his back pocket. “I'll make sure Tyson or Antonio tags along.”

He shifts his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Okay. Thank you, and I'm sorry for not completing the job today.”

“It's not your fault the guy is a self-righteous prick,” I say. “Go home and rest. We'll see you tomorrow.”

He leaves the office, not shutting the door behind him, and I slide the Tylenol in my pocket. “I'm taking these with me since I'm out.”

Fernando chuckles and walks around me to shut the door. Pulling me in his arms, his lips rub over mine. “You can have whatever's mine,pequeño. Anything you need.”