Page 3 of Forbidden

“What if I choose to spend the night with him?”

She takes a step back. “We can grab a cot for you to sleep on. I can't promise you'll be comfortable though.”

“It won't bother me. I can assure you I've slept on much worse before. I’d rather he not wake up alone.”

“I understand. Does he have any other family coming today?”

I shake my head, shifting my weight to one side. “No. Only me. The others are too far away.”

Folding her hands together, she looks toward the bed and back at me. “I'm glad he can at least have someone here with him. He shouldn't be here longer than three days. Will you be driving him home?”


“Good.” She rests a hand on my shoulder and lightly squeezes. “I'll give you two some time alone now and go look for a cot so you can get some rest also.”

“Thank you.” She heads down the hallway and I enter the room, closing the door behind me. Cords are going every which way and I take a deep breath before approaching the bed. Enrico lies on his side, eyes closed. An oxygen mask rests over his face and his hair sticks out in all directions. I'm used to seeing him so put together. Not today. He's wearing a gown that droops around his shoulders and he doesn't have his usual bracelets on.

I sit next to him, waiting for him to open his eyes. Despite them bringing me a bed to sleep in, I remain in the uncomfortable chair, never wanting to be too far. I must have fallen asleep because my eyes flutter open to a soft-spoken voice and a hand resting on my knee.

“Don't you have better things to do than babysit a grown ass man?”

I laugh and straighten myself in my chair. “I'm off the next few days and figured I'd use the time to do something exciting for a change.”

He rolls his eyes, shifting to his back. “You snore in your sleep.”

My stomach rumbles as more laughter crawls up my throat. “I'm very aware.”

“It woke me up,” he says, tugging the oxygen mask fully off his face.

“You're exaggerating now.”

He grins my way. “How would you know? Do you tape yourself sleeping?”

“Surely someone would have complained by now,” I add in between yawns.

“Surely they were all being nice.”

I scoff. “You tend to wake up on the wrong side of the bed no matter where you are, don't you?”

Chuckling softly, he fumbles with his blanket. “I think I have a good reason today.”

I nod and scoot my chair closer. “That you do. You scared me, kiddo.”

“Are you sure I didn't get your hopes up instead?” He eyes me wearily.

“I'm positive. Why didn't you go to the doctor and what happened to the medication you're supposed to be taking?”

He shrugs. “I got busy. I have them somewhere.”

“We had a deal, remember?” My voice grows more stern.

“Let me guess, I didn't hold up my end of the bargain so neither did you.”

I sigh softly. “I didn't tell him. I'll leave that to you.”

His eyes round. “Why would you do that?”

“Because some of us actually keep our promises,” I say, leaning forward.