Page 33 of Forbidden

“Us?” I turn my body more his way, studying his golden eyes. They are like melted honey under the plane lights.

“Si.” Zacharias appears from behind his son, grabbing a half full glass before sitting in one of the seats beside me. “It'll help take the edge off.”

“Fine.” I sink back into my seat, sighing in defeat.

Enrico joins us, setting a glass in my hand. “Bottoms up.” I don't miss the mischievous look in his eyes.

I wait until everyone else takes a sip before I do. Zacharias is talking about getting home in time to meet Andres for dinner. I finish my glass, and things have started to go out of focus. The chatter is faint, almost as if I'm listening from under water. Losing my composure, I struggle to keep my eyes open. The son of bitch drugged me.

My vision is blurry and fading but it doesn’t stop me from catching Enrico's threatening smile before everything goes black.

My head throbs and trying to open my eyes only worsens the pain. I close them, taking in a deep breath before slowly separating my lids again. The light is too bright, and whatever Enrico put in my drink hasn't fully exited my system yet.

My body feels too heavy against the seat, and if I move my eyes too much the room starts spinning. I try to call out his name after not seeing him anywhere but a piece of tape forces my lips together. Fuck. What the hell is this?

“Hola,” a familiar voice comes from behind. “You're finally awake. I was worried I was going to have to splash water on your face again. I didn't even give you as much as I did my father and you passed out before he did, almost ruining the plan I have for us.”

He walks around me, shaking his head. It takes a while for me to realize all he has on is a silky pink robe. It parts around his legs as he settles on top of the table in front of me, spreading his thighs. “We don't have as much time now, so unfortunately I can't give you the full show I originally planned.”

Finally having feeling back in my arms and hands, I attempt to move them with no avail. They’re tied behind my back, and another string of rope confines me to the chair. I glance around frantically, not seeing anyone but us, when earlier his father had been sitting where I currently am now.

“Don't worry.” He waves his hand in the air. “My father is alive and safe. I moved him to the back of the plane to give us some more privacy. If I timed it right, he shouldn't wake up until the plane lands. He'll have the worst hangover too. I hope we don't have to cancel the meeting.” A wickedness flashes in his eyes.

“So that you're aware, I won't be touching you today.” Pushing back the right flap of his robe with his left finger, he exposes his pink nub hardening around the metal barbell. “Only myself.” He moans as he tugs at his nipple. He leans back, resting his bionic hand on the table. He has no gloves on today and the silver shines in the sunlight entering from the surrounding windows.

“You'll get to sit there and watch. I told you I wanted to come with you beside me. It didn't feel right any other way.” It didn't for me either, and when I was in my room last night, I couldn't stop thinking about his naked body spread out only feet away. Enrico sleeps naked. I've seen him enough times to know, from when I’ve snuck in his home to count his pills in the early morning to confirm if he’d been taking them. The sheets sometimes fell off his hips when he shifted under the morning light, and I was too entranced to look away.

It was wrong but like a burning house, he was too captivating to look away from.

Every time I left, I messaged different women on a hookup app, never being satisfied with them the way I used to be. As a last resort, I’d gone home with a man who resembled Enrico. It only took one kiss for me to know I wasn't interested in going any further with him. I didn't want anyone else. It didn't matter their gender. None of them were him.

They didn't have his warm, welcoming skin, carry the same sweet, intoxicating scent, or look at me with a desire that was so strong it nearly brought me to my knees.

Fuck. This is all so fucked.

His left hand slides to the center of his body, moving slowly between his pecs. He doesn't stop until he reaches between his legs. The tie around his waist keeps him from being fully exposed. I don't have to see his hand to know what it's doing. He bucks his hips and his bottom lip quivers. “You ready for me to come for you, Godfather?”

Oh, he's being so damn dirty right now. As twisted as it is, my cock twitches and warmth spreads along my groin.

Yes. I'm ready to watch what he's been reserving for me and me alone.

Holding still, I keep my eyes focused on him. It's not like I can go anywhere. I don't have a choice but to watch him. If I close my eyes, I'll still hear him, so I might as well keep them open. The lies I tell myself are what help prevent the guilt from rising too high. They are becoming less convincing each day.

“I touched myself last night when I was alone in bed. Just like you told me to. I closed my eyes and pretended my hands were yours. It felt so good, Godfather.”

Stop. Stop. Stop.

He keeps using that title while stroking himself, and it's doing things to me. So many bad and wrong things.

My heart speeds up in my chest when his swollen head peeks out from his robe. My mouth salivates at the way it throbs between his fingers.

“I stopped before I could come the same way you did when we were alone in the club's bathroom. I was trying to recreate our last moment together and relive the earth-shattering experience. I kept hearing you telling me not to come and all it did was make me float higher. I practiced being patient for you and now I'm ready to be bad for you again, Padrino.”

His hand jerks hard and his robe falls around his hips, the tie hanging over his dark tan uncut cock. The head is swollen and purple. He humps the table, arching his hips, and his slit leaks the harder he tugs himself. Lying back on the table, he spreads his legs wider, scooting closer to the edge so his ass is merely inches from my face. My muscles tighten and my clothes are too tight on my body. It's suffocating.

His tight hole clenches and the small opening calls to me. It's harder to avoid after having my fingers in there only yesterday, especially when I got myself off in the shower while having those same fingers shoved in my mouth. His taste lingered on my tongue as I fell asleep.

I want it back.