Page 26 of Forbidden

Enrico wraps his fingers around the stranger's hand, and he drags him to the back of the club. Not once does he look my way to acknowledge my existence, but I don't have to see his eyes on me for me to know he's well aware of my presence. Wrestling through dancing bodies, I never take my eyes off them. The man has his hands on the center of Enrico's back, guiding him toward the restrooms.

My blood boils as soon as the door closes behind them and I waste no time stomping forward, unable to forget the primal look I caught in the stranger's eyes. The blaring club music is replaced with the hard pounding of my pulse and I shove the bathroom door open so aggressively, the men chatting by the stalls scurry away. My anger is so loud it spills outside my body, filling the air around me.

Two people washing their hands are too lost in conversation to notice my presence, I point my gun in their direction. “Get out.”

Two sets of eyes stare back at me, rounding in panic. Frantically nodding at the same time, they run out the door and I lock it behind them. I make a beeline for the stalls. My hackles rise as I spot Enrico's shoes under one of the doors. All it takes is the first moan to have me breaking the door from its hinges.

“What the fuck?” the stranger says, his eyes so big I think they are about to pop out of their sockets. He has Enrico's body pressed against the stall and Enrico’s pants are hanging low off his waist. All I see is red.

Allowing my fit of rage to take over, I point my gun at his crotch. “You have one minute to leave this club or I'll shoot it off.”

Trembling in terror, the man's whole face pales. “Don't do anything crazy, man.”

“You're not doing as I ask.” I cock my gun and he zips up his jeans.

Running toward the door, he turns around and shakes his head. “You're fucking nuts, man. You know that? A piece of ass isn't worth all this shit.”

Switching over the lock, he yanks the door open and disappears into the dark club.

I look back to a wide-eyed Enrico. “What the fuck was that? Are you trying to ruin this deal for us or do you simply have a fucking death wish?”

Continuing to not look my way, he pulls his pants up and chuckles. “You think this whole violent Tarzan scene you just pulled is going to go unnoticed? Who's to say that guy isn't out there calling the cops right now?”

“It's your fault it had to come to this. You have no business in here with your pants down during a very important meeting.”

He throws his head back in a fit of laughter. “Most of those men are so wasted and high on dope, I doubt they even remember their own names right now. You seriously think they'll care what I'm doing? They came for my father, not me.”

He turns around, and I latch my fingers around his neck and slam his body back into the stall wall. “Did I say you could go yet?”

He lifts his arms up, pressing his hands against the wall, his bionic fingers unable to go completely flat against the surface.

“Answer me,pequeño.”

“No,” he says between clenched teeth. “You can go fuck yourself.”

Slightly digging my nails into his skin, I yank him back to slam him forward again. “Not until you face the consequences of your actions.”

“What will those be?”

I lick along the shell of his ear and his body gives me a brief preview of how much damage I could do with my tongue alone. “You're about to find out. Give me one of your bracelets.”

He wiggles between me and the stall wall. “Why?”

“Do it.”

His bionic hand slowly stretches out to his left wrist, slipping beneath the black band and pushing it up until it hits the floor. “You want it so badly, go ahead and pick it up.”

Oh, he wants to be extra cute right now. That won't bode well for him later. The more he fights, the longer I can keep him in here, away from every other man who wants to be where I am. As much as Enrico was made to submit, he was also born to be a pain in the ass.

Removing my hand from his neck, I keep my gaze on his while I bend to the floor to pick up the bracelet. As I'm coming back up, he quickly spins around, kneeing me in the chest so hard I fall back. Gripping on to the trashcan is the only thing breaking my fall, but I still land on my ass. My fingers wrap around his calf as he tries to rush away. I grab him so hard, he falls forward and catches himself with his hands.

“Asshole,” he shouts behind him.

“You can fight all you want,pequeño, but you're only making things harder for yourself.”

“For you as well.” He glances back at me wearing a playful smile. I get to my feet before he can and hold on to the lapels of his coat as he tries to head toward the door again.

“Let me go,” he screams, swinging his arms at me. As I reach for his arm, he elbows me in the mouth. The inside of my lip tears beneath my teeth and I swallow the metallic taste, beating him to the door. Blocking his way, I lock it behind me and my jaw twitches. “You aren't going anywhere until I'm done with you.”