Page 14 of Forbidden

I elbow him in the chin with the arm he isn’t holding. He groans, stepping off the sidewalk.

How dare he continue to interfere with my needs. First he won't give me what I want and now he's trying to prevent me from getting it with anyone else. Fuck him.

It’s hard not to smile when he grabs at his chin in pain. “You're going to regret doing that, brat.”

“Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I will.” Taking a sharp breath, I walk toward the door of the building. It's quiet and we are the only two people out here as far as I can see. I follow a trail of dim lights running between apartment doors until I reach the right one. I go to knock on the door, but I don’t have a chance to because I'm hit by a bolt of electricity in my left ass cheek. What the fuck? The asshole tasered me.

“I asked you nicely the first time, and now I'm going to have to carry you there myself.”

He inches closer and I stick my foot out behind me, tripping him. He falls forward and I reach for my gun, pointing it at his head. “I said no. Now get in your car and go be a nice piece of furniture for my dad. That's what you're best at.”

His nose flares as he stands up. “That's two.”

I raise my eyebrows. I have no fucking clue what he's talking about. Two what?

“I'm going to ask you this again, why are you here?”

“Last time I checked I'm the one with the gun, and if anyone's going to demand anything it's me,pendejo.”

He swiftly moves his hands between us, knocking the gun free from my fingers. It hits the ground with a clack and he kicks it away. “Not anymore. So answer my fucking question.”

Huffing out a breath, I pinch between my brows. “Because he has what I need.”

“Does he?”


“Are you sure? You don't even know what will happen when you go in there. You're being stupid and careless.”

“Says the man not minding his own fucking business,” I spit back.

“There are better ways to go about this. You're placing yourself and your family in danger. Is some random quick lay worth it?”

I clench my left fist, slamming it hard into my thigh. “You don't understand, this isn't about sex. That’s just a bonus. As for my family, what fucking family? They’re all fucking dead. I have no one left to protect. Someone can try and threaten me all they want.”

“You need to really think about what you're doing. Learn from your sister's mistakes.”

“Mi hermana?” My face heats as anger burns inside me. “You mean the one who tried to kill me? I think I'm done taking notes from her. Now if you'll excuse me, I have important matters to tend to.”

“It should be with someone you trust,” he says, each word coming out sharp. They sting my ears. Does he know? He can't. It's not possible.

Loosening my throat, I shift my feet. “What should?”

“Whatever you're going in there to do. I’ve seen your browsing history. I'm aware of the videos you've been watching, and you shouldn't do that kind of stuff with a stranger.”

Nosey asshole. He's not only keeping tabs on my meds, he's also checking my computer. Why? Upon my father's request? Does he have some involvement in this?

When Fernando said it wasn't safe, he didn't only mean because of who might see me. He was talking about the guy on the other side of the apartment door we’re standing a foot away from. “Then who else can I do it with?”

“Why do it at all?” His words aren’t as steady this time. I've never known the man to be less than perfect and yet here he is splitting at the seams. All because of me. It's a fucking thing of beauty.

“Because I need it,” I rasp.

“Then do it with me.”

My mouth hangs open and my chest feels like it could explode at any minute. “What?”

“Whatever you had planned with him for the night, do it with me.”