Page 83 of Forbidden

Zacharias: Take care of my son. Tyson and him think they have me fooled but I know better by now.

Not everything gets past him.

Me: You know I always will.

Zacharias: I do. You two will be back tomorrow, I presume?

Me:Si, Compadre. Tomorrow.

Zacharias:Bueno. Be sure to bring my son over for dinner this Sunday. I would like you to join us as well.

Me: We'll be there.

A weight in my chest lifts. I hope this means we're moving in the right direction. Either we are or my food will be poisoned at dinner. Standing up from my seat, I search around and walk the direction Enrico went in. I don't stop until I'm standing in front of the small door. A few knocks has the lock clicking and Enrico cracking the door open.

I enter the small space, squeezing in front of him and locking the door behind me.

“Took you long enough,” he says with huge, dilated eyes.

I frown, stroking his cheek. “How are you holding up,pequeño?”

“I'll be better once we're out of this fucking plane.” He runs a shaking hand through his hair.

“Yo se. Tell me what you need from me.”

His eyes dart around the small bathroom before landing back on me. “To not have to think as much. For my mind to be in a calmer state.”

Nodding, I lift his chin and kiss his lips before pulling away a little. “On your knees.”

He struggles to get into position in the tight-fitting area as he rests on his knees in front of me. Ruffling his hair, I lick my lips. “Get it out of my pants for me, baby.”

Fumbling with my zipper and button, his fingers free my cock and he stares up at me in anticipation as he awaits his next order. He's allowing himself to let go while I take over. I can already see his muscles relaxing and his face growing more at ease.

“Take only the tip into your mouth and suck it lightly.”

Darting out his tongue, he licks at my slit before taking my head into his warm, wet mouth. Fuck. I needed this as much as he did. Tugging at the strands of his hair, I hold his head back and force his eyes on me.

“Good boy. Now use your mouth to get me off. You have until the timer on my watch goes off.” With a few taps on my watch, it beeps. “Remember, no coming no matter how much you want to.”

Right now isn't about his pleasure and more about the sated feeling he earns from satisfying his Sir. HisPadrino. It's what he needs right now.

Without saying a word, Enrico takes me deeper. He covers me halfway before sliding his lips back up. My heavy breathing fills the room as my tip hits the back of his throat. “Two more minutes,” I say. “We start over if you don't succeed, and by the time we return the whole airplane will know exactly what you've been doing to me in here.”

He shudders, sucking and lapping desperately at my cock. I rub over his scalp, telling him how good he's doing and reminding him of his time left. “You're taking me so well. You were made for this. For me.”

Humming in contentment, his saliva drips from the corners of his lips as he gags around me. Bucking my hips, I fuck in and out of his mouth until I'm spilling my load at the back of his constricting throat. “Your mouth feels so perfect. So warm and tight.”

He squeezes around me, offering the perfect pressure, and my balls draw tight, warmth cascading in the center of my stomach as I'm erupting with pleasure.

“So good, baby,” I say, looking down at him with pride in my eyes as my alarm sounds around us. I shut it off and pull him up to his feet, dragging my thumb over the missed cum on his face to push it between his swollen lips. “You swallowed my cum so wonderfully. You were so hungry for it, weren't you?”

He whimpers, licking lazily at my fingers. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, I tuck myself back in. “Ready to finish the rest of our trip in the air out there?”

He nods into my neck, rubbing against me. “I'm ready for a nap.”

“You can take one,pequeño, and I'll wake you up when we get there.”

“Thank you,Padrino.”