Page 80 of Forbidden

Grabbing me by the arm, he drags me toward the car. “If you haven't forgotten, what makes you think I have?”

My dad is already sitting in the passenger seat when we climb into the back of the car. Antonio is sitting in the driver's side and someone is starting the car beside us.

“Ricardo will be driving Tyson's car home,” my dad says.

I pull from Fernando's hold when I remember Tyson went missing earlier. “Is Tyson—”

“He's alive,” my dad answers. “We found him tied up in the trunk with a small wound on his head. He's fine over all though.”

“Good. What about Dr. Peterson and the man running this whole operation?”

“Ah. We have them right where we want them,” Fernando answers from beside me. “We'll be saving our visit to them for another day. It's always fun to make these assholes think they've managed to get away before learning they never can.”

Leaning my head on his shoulder, I yawn. “Will you bring me their remains after you kill them?”

“It'll be my pleasure.” He presses a kiss into my hair.

“I've changed my mind,” my dad exclaims. “Antonio will be dropping you at your place before he takes me home. It's enough to have witnessed this in the warehouse and in my car. I don't need to hear it in my own home too.”

I burst out laughing, pressing my hand to my cramping stomach. “You're one to talk,Daddy.”

He turns around, sneering at me. “Don't ever say that again, and at least try to control yourselves until you exit the car.”

“You mean the way you never can with yourgatito? At least I now know to wear earplugs whenever I stay over at the house again,” I say between chuckles.

My dad grinds his teeth, flexing his hand out over the middle console. “Don't think I won't force you two to walk the rest of the way.”

Fernando joins me in laughing and he grabs my hand, wrapping our fingers together, giving me a silentbehave yourselflook with his eyes.

Per usual I'm trapped between wanting to be a good boy for myPadrinoand curious to see what happens when I'm not.



Zacharias stands up from his desk, dismissing everyone after our late morning meeting, and I stare across the way at Enrico, offering him a sweet smile. Zacharias sighs deeply after glancing between us and exits the office. It'll take time for him to fully accept us. If he ever does at all. It's understandable. I can't imagine how awkward and jarring it might be to see your son with a man who not only is more than twice his age but who's also the man you'd once considered raising your son if a situation called for it.

“You coming to the club with me this morning?” Enrico's hand slides up and down my arm as his eyes hold me in place.

“Not today. I'll be there to pick you up, though.”

“I've heard those words before. Yesterday to be exact.”

Laughing, I ruffle his hair. “Nothing will stop me from being there at nine p.m. Not work or any danger I manage to fall into during it. I'll be the one taking you home this time and that's a promise.” My nose presses to his.

Warm lips graze mine. “I'll hold you to it. You still owe me an orgasm from this morning.”

Stroking his cheek with my thumb, I smile at him. “And you owe me good behavior for the rest of the day. See this as making up for sneaking into my house and risking your life.” I nibble on his bottom lip. “There's also the hiding secrets from me. So I think one more day of edging should take care of it.” I slip my hand between us, teasing his cock with my fingers.

Releasing a shuddering breath, he licks his lips. “I hate you sometimes.”

“No. You only think you do.” I run my hand between his legs again, sliding down to his balls.

“Oh, I definitely know.”

Taking a step back, I drop my arms to my sides and cock my head. “I'll see you after work,pequeño. Have your ring on before you leave for home today.”

Leaving him standing in the center of his dad's office holding back his urge to hit me has me smiling as I exit the room. He doesn't always know how to use his words when he's frustrated or angry but he's learning. I'm happy to be the one to keep showing him the way.