Page 78 of Forbidden

His eyes go from one guy to another before the left side of his mouth tilts. “You made quite the mess in here.”

“Sounded like you created a much bigger one out there.” I gesture toward the door with my head.

“I'd do it as many times as I needed to as long as it got me here.”

My heart smiles and a flutter enters my stomach as I rush his way. Taking me in his arms, he kisses me in places the blood isn't. “You need a bath,” he rasps against me.

“I need you more.” Wiping my mouth with a clean part of my shirt, my bionic hand grabs the back of his neck to pull him closer. As our noses rub, my lips crash to his in desperation. Our tongues surge together, and I lose myself in his warm, welcoming mouth. Feeling like the earth is spinning, I hold on to him tighter, like a lifeline, and my toes curl in my shoes as I lose my grip on the ground. The tingling sensation between us is like static and I'm ready to be shocked to the point I can't feel my limbs.

Fingers tangle in my hair and as I'm melting into a puddle against him, he lifts me by my hips to carry me to a nearby stack of heavy metal crates. Laying me over one of the flat surfaces, his body lies over mine and our cocks rub together. “We can't,” he says, unable to stop touching and kissing me. The blood from our skin mixes together and I no longer know what's coming from where. The metallic scent mixing with his is hypnotic.

“He already knows,” I respond against his lips. “If he sees it then he'll understand how real it is. So let him.”

“He'll never understand. I still don't.”

The small distance between us has my heart weeping. “Then he won't. It doesn't stop me from needing you right now. If you walk away from me then I'll disintegrate into nothing.”

Running his lips over mine, he closes his eyes and his hand slides under my shirt, teasing my sensitive flesh. Flames light across my skin and our open mouths hover over each other before sealing tightly together.

In between clashing teeth and hitching breaths, our hips roll in unison. He licks from my mouth to my neck, causing me to turn my head. When my gaze darts toward the door, my skin goes cold. My dad's harsh, angry eyes are on us and he’s gripping his gun, his hand at his side.

“So it's true?” Anger vibrates off his loud words. “I didn't want to believe it.”

Walking closer, he lifts his gun higher. “Move or I'll shoot you where you are, allowing your corpse to rest on my son.”

Tensing above me, Fernando slowly lifts only his head to face my father. “It's not what you think.”

“Oh really? So you aren't fucking my son then? You aren't the one he's been running off with into the fucking sunset every chance he gets?”

Fernando lifts himself off me and stands up, his arms falling to his sides in defeat. “No. I love Enrico. What we have been doing is so much more than that. You should know because you experience it every day with Andres.”

Huffing out a laugh, my dad waves the gun around. “This is not the same. Andres is not my family. You were there while Enrico grew up, helping me to guide him and raise him to be the man he is today. You were a second father to him. Your promises to the both of us were shit.”

“They weren't and still aren't. You said it yourself, Enrico is a man now, and our relationship has changed, turning into something I never expected.” Fernando lifts his hand and my dad releases a shot so close, it almost grazes his skin.

“How long?”

Fernando's chest heavily rises and falls. “Only the last few months. For me at least. I can't speak for him. Enrico claims to have wanted me for a while, but it was only recently that he captured my eyes and heart.”

“How do I know you aren't lying?” My dad's hand shakes and I've never seen him so unhinged that he can't hold his gun properly. The hurt is clear in his eyes and pained expression. I don't know if it's the relationship itself that's hurting him or the deceit and lies. Maybe all of the above.

“Because I have no reason to lie about anything now, and none of the evidence we have dates further back than that.” He means our text messages, shared pictures, and videos.

“Go outside.”


“Now.” Tears well in my dad's eyes and I've never seen him so distraught. It's clear he's at war with himself.

Fernando's throat tightens as he does as my dad commands, not looking at me once as he makes his way to the front of the warehouse.

“You stay where you are,” he orders me. “Don't make me have to tie you up. I’d rather you not see what I'm going to do next.”

A tear slips down his cheek as he slowly turns around to follow his best friend. My throat clogs with emotion and I'm unable to speak. The stabbing is so sharp in my chest it's hard to breathe and the heavy weight of my body leaves me lying on the crate, paralyzed. As I watch them disappear, something finally snaps inside me and I jump to my feet. Rushing their way with my pulse beating in my ears, I pick up the hatchet and gun from the floor. The night's cool breeze hits my face as I exit the warehouse.

My dad has Fernando pressed chest first into a tree with the barrel of his gun to the back of his head. I launch forward, every part of me screaming, and as his finger lands on the trigger, I press the sharp edge of the hatchet to his neck. “Do it and I'll give those men Samantha was working for exactly what they want. How much do you think they'll pay for the organs of a powerful drug lord who rules most of Texas?”

“Easy. No one's thinking with a clear mind right now,” Fernando says, still facing the tree. “This isn't the way families discuss their issues. We should all go to the house and sit down—”