Page 61 of Forbidden

“You and I both know you don't need videos to get your way. It would have happened eventually on its own. It always does.” Me and him have been a ticking time bomb for a long time. I was stupid to ever think it could end after the club or once home from Mexico. Enrico will never let it, and deep down I've never wanted him to. I'm mostly good at standing my ground but occasionally lose hold of it when it comes to him.

“Yes, but this way I was able to speed things along. Now you have no choice. Today I was the one who saved you,” he says, pursing his lips together.

“From what, you?”

He straightens my collar, tugging on it so tightly it nearly chokes me. “No, Ferny. From yourself.”

Based on his confident smile, he fully believes it, too. Now who will save me from him? Enrico has the power to ruin both of our lives without the video. He has more control of me than I do him. It's better I don't make him aware of the revelation, otherwise he'll use it against me in as many ways as he can. Not for one minute do I ever think Enrico is bluffing. He isn’t the type to not follow through on his threats. No matter who or what it involves.

Running a hand through my hair, I sit back down in my chair and pull out a few more wipes to clean the remaining stains on my pants.

“You're such a boy scout, you know that?” he says, heading for the door again.

“I need to be prepared for anything when it comes to you. Now go show me what a good boy you can be the rest of the day and maybe I'll reward you later.”

His eyes brighten as he rests his hand on the knob. “I hope you're ready to fulfill your promise.”

Resting back in my chair, I flatten my hands on the armrests and watch him shake his ass on the way out. I don't know how we're going to pull this off but something tells me this will definitely end with a gun to my head. Only time will tell if it will belong to someone from the outside, my best friend, or the man I'm choosing to love behind closed doors.



After being satisfied with the answers I receive, I set down the bloody pliers and leave the cellar. The man shouts from behind me, begging for me to let him go. I ignore him, shutting the heavy door before ordering Tyson to take care of the rest. Normally I'd do it myself but my arm is really bothering me suddenly. Clutching it with my other hand, I rush up the steps and to the elevator, and when I walk inside Fernando's office he is staring up from his desk wearing a curious expression. “Back for round two already?”

Frowning, I march toward his desk drawers, eager to find some Tylenol, and he grabs me from behind. His arms hold me in place while he kisses my elbow. “Slow down, baby. What are you looking for?”

I'll never grow tired of the newly added endearment. “Painkillers.”

His brows furrow with worry and he drags me onto his lap. “Did I hurt you?”

Shaking my head, I rub the end of my arm and hate how it almost feels as if my hand is back, throbbing in pain. I've experienced phantom limb pain a few times but usually at home or in my office where I could hide until it eased up. “The door isn't locked.” I glance at him and then at the front of the room.

His eyes dart toward my bending arm and he reaches in the drawer below the one I have open to retrieve a bottle of Tylenol. “I don't care about the damn door right now or who walks through it. Only you. Is it your arm bothering you?”

Nodding, I spread my palm open so he can pour two white pills into my hand. “It came on after my interrogation.” At least it was all worth my while. Whether I liked the answers I received or not, I still got them, and not much really came as a surprise.

Grabbing my arm, he pulls back my sleeve and rubs from my elbow down to my nub. His fingers help relax my muscles some and offer me a little relief. “You should go home after this and rest.”

Too worn down to fight him on his order, I let out a soft sigh and nod. “I will. I did what I came here to do today anyway and everything else can wait until tomorrow.”

“Or next week,” he responds. Rubbing my sore limb again, he grabs a water bottle from next to his computer and hands it to me. “Tyson brought it to me earlier and I haven't gotten to it yet. I've been too busy trying to work through these emails.”

I laugh while tossing the pills into my mouth and wrap my fingers around the plastic bottle. After swallowing a few swigs of water, I place the bottle down in front of me and fall back into his lap. “Only you would be too busy to drink water.”

He brings my arm closer to his face and his lips press to my incision. The warmth from his mouth travels everywhere inside me.

“Were you able to get anything useful from the thief downstairs?”

“Yeah.” I wiggle against him, my hole already hungry for round two. I don't think I'll ever tire of having him inside me and by the way his cock hardens against my ass, the feeling seems mutual. Taking a deep breath, I carry on with the conversation. “Turns out he was nothing but a distraction. So was Clarissa's father. They were all paid to throw us off and the drugs were stolen to get us to Mexico, where we could easily be cornered and outnumbered. They figured we'd go there out of desperation to keep our customers happy, since Mexico is where most suppliers grow their product. The really good stuff at least.”

He leans back in his chair. “So it was the same guys who took you then?”

“Si.” I tangle our fingers together, loving how we fit so well in more ways than one. “The man in charge is Benito Jiminez. Him and his brother run numerous crime operations, including organ trafficking and sex trafficking.”

“So when we find him, we should hopefully find Dr. Peterson too.”

“Hopefully. Or at least find out where it is he's been hiding. The old man is better at making himself disappear than I expected he would be. None of my dad's contacts know where he is either.”