Page 49 of Forbidden

“I'll get it and you fix that hair of yours.”

I stare into the closet mirror, running my fingers through my wavy strands. “I should have looked in the mirror before I left the restroom.”

He laughs, walking closer. “Would have been a good idea for many reasons.” He opens my jacket and redoes the top four buttons on my shirt. “You missed a hole.”

“Better for me to miss one this afternoon than for you to have last night.” I wink.

Grunting, he grinds his teeth. “Wipe down the table and I'll finish packing.”

Sighing in annoyance, I wet a rag in the sink while he's grabbing my robe and underwear from the floor. “You're very clean in your own apartment but very messy everywhere else,” he says.

I laugh. “That's because you usually come by after I've already cleaned it. Trust me, I can be very dirty when I want.” I waggle my brows as I walk back into the room. I wipe down the table and by the time I'm done Fernando is zipping up the bag.

“Ready?” He stands up straighter, lifting the bag from the bed.

“Almost. I can meet you in the hall.”

Rolling the bag's strap over his shoulder, he shuffles his feet. “Okay. Don't take too long,pequeño.Plane leaves in forty, and we still have to drive to the airport.”

“I won't.”

On my way back to the bathroom, he grabs my arm and his gaze holds mine in place for what feels like forever. Leaning my face closer to his, I brush our lips together and he closes his eyes, breathing in deeply before pulling away. “See you in a few minutes.”

“Yeah.” Too much time passes before I remember how to use my legs again. The bathroom door shuts behind me with a loud thud and I'm reminded I don't have much time to stand around mourning something I never had to begin with. I toss the rag in the sink and wash my hand. I splash the cool water on my face and after turning off the faucet, I use one of the clean towels hanging on the nearby rack to dry my dripping skin.

Hanging it back up, I glance in the mirror one more time before leaving the hotel room. Fernando is standing in front of the elevator, staring at his phone while wearing a serious expression.

“Everything okay, old man?”

He jumps and quickly shoves his phone in his pocket. “Yeah. Your dad said he'll meet us at the airport. He needs to make a quick stop somewhere on the way.”

“You seem nervous about something.”

He swallows hard and presses the button on the wall until it glows a bright orange. “Just a silly feeling I have. I'm sure it's nothing.”

“When are your bad feelings ever wrong?” I ask, following him into the open elevator.

“Hopefully today.” He offers me a cheeky smile. It's exactly like him to try and sidetrack me any way he can whenever there may be reason to worry.

I shift closer to him as the elevator lowers, pressing my arm into his. I suck in a breath when the back of his fingers brush over mine. The elevator dings and he walks out first. The loss of contact has me nearly crumbling to the ground. Doing my best to remain upright, I follow him out and toward the exit. He slides the key card onto the front desk in front of one of the clerks on our way out, telling him our room number.

The clerk tells us to have a good day and we both wave him off as we walk out the revolving door. “I'm going to check the car before we get in.”

“You're sure it's nothing, huh?” I arch a brow.

Ignoring me, he inspects the car, and after he finds no bomb or trackers, he tosses the bag in the trunk. “See. Just having an off day.”

I'm still having a hard time believing he'd have an off day. Surely I haven't disrupted his world that much these last two days. We both get in and he heads for the airport. On the way, I'm tempted to grab his hand. Glancing out the window only distracts my mind for so long and my knees won't stop bouncing against the seat.

His hand lands on my thigh and the heavy weight has me feeling more at ease. “Someone a little restless?”

“Just a little bored. You know I hate long drives.” More like I hate sitting so close to someone I'm not supposed to touch the way I want.

He laughs. “Relax, It's less than an hour away.”

“Still too long for me. At least in the plane I can watch movies and spread my legs out.”

“And drug everyone while you jerk off on the dining table?” His lips shift into a smirk.