Page 45 of Forbidden

“Blow them all to bits?”

He smiles, grabbing his key card from his pocket. “Exactamente.You stay here with my son. Angel has promised your safety, but it won't be guaranteed outside this building.”

“You have exactly two hours from when you leave. Make sure Angel knows that too, and I'll be tracking your phone the whole time.”

Laughing, his gaze falls to mine before darting around the room. “You've always been the best man to have at my side. Loyalty is hard to find these days and you have never disappointed.”

Shifting uncomfortably, I'm glad he is too focused searching the closet to pay attention to me. He'd notice the uneasiness and guilt in my eyes. We've known each other way too long for anything to get past him. “I won't start now either.” I had his son in my bed last night and I can still taste him in my mouth. If he knew everything Enrico and I did together, he'd without a doubt hate me for it. The trust between us would be gone. I'm not ready for him to know I've let him down. Maybe I don't ever have to.

“I'm glad. Now put this on. You can change when I leave. Don’t worry about your old clothes. Antonio will get rid of them.” He hands me a suit and fixes his hair in the mirror before facing me again. “Per usual, take care of my son and convince him he has nothing to worry about.”

“I'll try, but you know Enrico.”

Smiling at me, he nods his head. “You're right. I do. I'm not worried though. You were always better at getting through to him than I was. I have no doubt you will now too.”

If only he really knew. Before I can respond again, he exits the room and leaves me standing alone with a brand-new suit in my hands feeling like the biggest asshole in the world. What kind of man fucks his best friend's son? He gave me the roles of his right-hand man and the godfather to Enrico long ago because he thought me deserving of them. I was once. Not anymore.

Setting the suit on the bed, I step back to undress. My clothes fall to the floor around my feet and I change into the new slacks before slipping on the rest. Once satisfied with my reflection in the mirror, I head for the downstairs dining area. Being in the elevator alone gives my mind too much time to race and fill my thoughts with Enrico's sounds of pleasure and pain.

Relief sinks in when the doors open and moving bodies surround the first floor, filling the area with loud conversations. “Morning,” a redheaded woman says, smiling my way, standing in the lobby wearing a hotel uniform.

“Morning. I haven't missed breakfast, have I?”

She rubs her red lips together as curly hair flops around her head. “No, sir. You still have another two hours. I can't promise we have much left to choose from though.”

“That's alright. I'm sure whatever's left will do just fine.” I walk past her, heading toward the tables filled with food. She's right, it really has been picked over, but not many people have touched the items Enrico requested. Grabbing a large plate, I fill it with two bagels, two containers of cream cheese, four pancakes, a syrup packet, and a banana. Carrying the food in one hand, I use my other to slip two cups of yogurt in my pocket, along with two packets of green tea and two sets of silverware.

More people enter the area as I leave and everything goes quiet again when I'm back in the elevator. By the time I'm back in the room, Enrico is sitting in the bed in his white cotton robe. “Someone still hasn't gotten dressed. Why is that?”

Keeping his eyes on the TV, he lifts the remote and changes the channel to some documentary about monarch butterflies. “You act as if it takes hours for me to put my clothes on.”

“It definitely takes you longer to put them on than it does for you to take them off.”

He tosses a pillow at me and I jump, almost dropping the food. I bite back a laugh and set the plate on the table. “I got you your green tea and I think we can use the coffee machine in here to heat the water.” I remove everything from my pockets and place it next to the plate before slowly walking his way.

Yanking the remote from his hand, I turn off the TV and then set the remote far enough away that he can't reach it from where he's sitting. “Why the hell did you do that?”

“Because you don't listen as well when it's on.”

“What makes you think I will with it off?” he says between huffed breaths.

Standing straighter, I click my tongue. “Because it's either you do as you're asked this morning, or you spend the next hour in the corner with your nose buried in the wall.”

Something flashes in his eyes. A mixture of hesitation and the desperation to please me. “Fine. I'm getting up. But mostly because I'm too hungry to wait another hour before eating. That's the only reason.” He tosses the blanket to the side and his robe hangs open while he walks to the table. Instead of sitting in a chair, he parks his ass right next to his food and he doesn't bother to cover himself. Not sure why I expect him to now.

It's almost as if it's become normal for him to strut around me naked. Adjusting myself in my pants, I sit in one of the chairs furthest from him and grab one of the yogurts. Tearing open the top, I shove one of the spoons inside and the first bite has my stomach calling for more.

Enrico faces away from me while eating his food, shoving too much in his mouth at one time. While finishing my yogurt, I have to keep reminding him to slow down. It's one of the very few things that hasn't changed about us.

“So where's my dad?” he asks with his mouth full of food.

I toss the empty cup in the trash behind me and reach for one of the bagels. “He went to the meeting with Angel alone.”

His fork drops to the table and he stares at me with round eyes. “What the fuck do you mean he went alone?”

“He knew you'd worry and he said you don't need to. I'm tracking his every move right now and Antonio is waiting outside the house. I'm giving him two hours.”

Not ready to stand down, he shoves his plate toward me and it hits my hand. “I'm done eating now, and fuck you for not telling me what was going on the moment you knew.”