Page 39 of Forbidden

Setting the needle in the cup, his fingers brush over the stitches before he bandages me up. His eyes focus on all his hard work as he stands up straighter. “Not bad for an amateur.”

Chuckling softly, I shake my head and scoot closer to the edge of the chair, leaning forward. “Not bad at all. You did wonderful.”

Staring down at his clothes, he wrinkles his nose. “I need a shower.”

“What happened to the thorough exam you promised me?” I lift a brow, biting back a grin.

His breath catches and he inches closer. “You're right. I'd hate to miss anything that could be life threatening.” His fingers are warm and soft on my neck, their pressure increasing as they slide down my chest. He keeps his bionic arm at his side while he caresses every part of my skin with his left hand. My nipples, my belly button, the happy trail leading to my straining cock. His eyes fall to my lap and stay there as he continues to examine every inch of me, saving my bottom half for last.

“Everything else looks good so far. Only one last area to check, and it's going to require more attention than the rest of you.” His eyes darken and he slowly lowers himself to his knees.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I press my back tightly to the chair and watch him run his thumb over my leaking slit. Fuck, it feels good. I’ve never cared to let others touch me this much. Not even during sex. He's not just anyone though, and this isn't just sex. A chill runs down my back when his fingers lightly stroke me up and down from head to base.

“Keep going and don't ever stop,”I want to say but instead I keep my lips pressed tightly together with my heart begging to break through my chest. Everything he's doing isn't enough but it’s also too much at the same time. His hand moves to my balls and I tense against the chair as he lightly squeezes and tugs.

“Any pain?”

Shaking my head, I release a shallow breath. His finger slides between the chair and my ass, rubbing over my hole. “What about here?” He licks his lips, his eyes pinning me in place.

“N-no,” I say breathlessly.

Lowering his head, his gaze holds on to mine while he swipes at my slit with his tongue. “Still good?”

Lightly bucking my hips, I drop my fingers into his hair. “Yes, but you better check again just to be safe.”

He grins, pushing his tongue at my tip again. It flattens against the front of my head, lapping up and down.

Moans spill from my lips and I grip his hair, lifting higher to his mouth. “I think that method may be more thorough than your hand. Better use it in surrounding areas as well.”

He laughs, the soft puff of air tickling my skin. Instead of standing back up like I think he will, he presses his hand to my knee and takes my cock all the way into his mouth instead. Licking and lightly sucking, his warmth tightens around me, rubbing all my sensitive nerves at once. Rolling my hips, I fuck up into his mouth with no intentions of shoving him away this time or punishing him for making a move I wouldn't allow myself to entertain.

“That's it. Check all of it. I'd hate for anything to go undetected at Enrico Hospital.” I run my fingers through his hair and lightly graze his scalp with my nails. His pink lips spread wider, saliva dripping around the corners of his mouth as he takes me deeper. My brain fizzles out for a few seconds, causing my head to spin when I hit the back of his throat. He gags the longer he stays in place, allowing me to use him as a fuck hole, and his throat tugs at me, causing my insides to warm.

“Oh fuck,” I breathe out, chasing my pleasure while enjoying the sight between my legs. I've had a man suck my cock once, long ago when my wife asked for a three way before she got too sick. I obliged, wanting to give her everything she wanted in her last months of life. I closed my eyes the whole time, imagining it was her, losing my hard on every time the man so much as moaned or touched me with his larger, calloused hands.

I don't have to pretend this time. I don't want Enrico to be anyone else but him. I don't know what this makes me, whether I'm bi or something else. I no longer care either. The truth is, I want this. I want him. Knowing it can't continue outside these walls and we might only have tonight, I cling to every moment. He moans around my cock, groping my balls again as I plunge harder into him. Everything inside me buzzes as I slip closer off the edge and further in his direction.

“You're doing wonderful,pequeño.”

His bloodshot eyes light up, and it strikes something inside of me. “I'm going to come in your mouth now and you're going to swallow every drop, understand?”

Nodding, he swallows around me, and I lose all restraint. Convulsing in the chair, I come hard inside his mouth, and he does his best to catch every bit of my release with his tongue, leaving only a few drops behind.

Pulling myself free from his mouth, I lift him by his shoulder and guide him to my lap. He collapses against me, burying his face in my neck. “Mm. I think it's safe to say you aren't injured anywhere other than your shoulder.”

My stomach shakes from laughter and I sweep a loose strand of hair away from his face. “I'm glad. Thank you for taking such good care of me,pequeño.”

Staring up at me with half lidded eyes and swollen lips, he smiles lazily. “You always take care of me. It's the least I can do.”

“I never expect anything in return for that, though. So don't ever feel like you owe me.”

He sighs against me, his fingers playing with my nipple. “And I never do anything I don't want to do.”

My thumb sweeps over his wet mouth, collecting a little cum left in the corners. “You should take that shower now. Not only do you look awful, you smell it as well.”

He huffs out a laugh, slowly peeling himself from my body. “Is this the part where you tell me this can't happen again?”

Sighing softly, I stand up and grab both of his wrists. “This is where I tell you we have to be careful and should stop, but it doesn't mean I want to.” I draw circles in the palm of his left hand with my thumb. “It's hard for me too, you know. But we should really take a few steps back when we get home.”