What if the IUD had shifted and was now somewhere inside my abdomen?

Fuck, why had I picked an IUD as my form of birth control anyway? I’d heard horror stories about them, but Aunt Dallas had assured me that they were safe, and it meant not having to subject my body to extra hormones like on the pill or with the shot. I’d just had the damn thing replaced six months ago.

By the time I got myself cleaned up and found my phone, my mind was in complete chaos. Fingers trembling, I called my gynecologist and explained what was going on. The receptionist told me to come straight in. They needed to do an ultrasound to find out where the IUD was.

Freaking out, I texted Brady to let him know I needed to go to the doctor. I knew I wouldn’t make it to my appointment and be back in time to pick up Love Bug. While I threw on clothes, I called Aunt Marissa and asked her to pick up my daughter. She lived just a few blocks from the elementary school and enjoyed spending time with Love Bug. They would walk back to the Nialls’ house and have some ice cream on the way.

“Not a problem, sweetheart,” Aunt Marissa assured me. “But are you okay? You don’t sound like yourself.”

“I’ve got a bad headache.” Not a lie, I mentally assured myself when I felt a moment of guilt for not telling her what was going on. “And I’m out of my migraine medication. I have to see the doctor before I can get a refill.”

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. You worry about getting yourself sorted, and I’ll take care of your sweet little girl.”

“Thank you,” I whispered in gratitude before hanging up. Dashing at the tears that had fallen onto my cheeks, I grabbed my purse and carefully walked downstairs.

Brady was already behind the wheel of my SUV. Seeing me, he jumped out and opened the back door. “You okay, Violet?” he asked with concern when he noted the dark sunglasses I wore. But not even they could hide the tear streaks on my face or how pale I was.

“Not feeling the best today, Brady,” I told him with a tight smile. “And don’t you dare tell Luca. I don’t want him freaking out, when he has a game on Sunday. You know how he takes it out on the other team’s offense when he’s stressed.”

My bodyguard grimaced. “That quarterback from last season still hasn’t completely recovered from the concussion Luca gave him.”

“Which is why this needs to stay between us. I’ll tell Luca after I’ve seen the doctor.”

Two hours later, I left the doctor’s office feeling lighter than I had when I entered. They had found the IUD, which they’d had to remove. The sharp pain I’d had weeks before was the device coming free, and it had basically been floating around in my uterus all this time.

The ultrasound had also ruled out an ectopic pregnancy, which was a relief. When the tech had found the heartbeat, I’d burst into tears. Which was why I’d missed her telling me about the second heartbeat the first time.

I should have freaking known.

With Lyric having two sets of twins, I shouldn’t have been surprised that Luca would get me pregnant with twins as well. The babies shared the same sac, which meant they were identical. I was surprised they were able to tell so soon. With the boys, Mila had had to wait until she gave birth, and she hadn’t known whether she was having identical or fraternal twins until later in her pregnancy with the girls. But even in the few years since her last pregnancy, the technology had advanced dramatically.

Like Shaw did with Jagger, I wanted to surprise Luca with this new development, but I needed to share the news with someone before I exploded with excitement and happiness.

Pulling out my phone, I texted Shaw.

Me: OMG! I have huge news.

Shaw: You finally set a wedding date!

I frowned at her instant reply, my gut churning for an entirely different reason all of a sudden. More than one family member had been bringing up when Luca and I were going to set a date. His mom was always on my case about when the wedding was going to take place. She was starting to get on my nerves, asking if we were going to do it at all. Fuck, that woman only got more and more annoying every time I saw her. But I’d put her and the others off over and over again.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to get married. I…just wasn’t ready.

Me: No! Why would you think that?

Shaw: Oh, I don’t know, Vi. Maybe because you have been engaged for FREAKING YEARS now. Set a date already!

Me: It hasn’t been that long since Luca proposed…

Pausing with my fingers on the screen, I blinked, trying to remember how long it’d been since Luca had surprised me with breakfast in bed—and a ring box. Glancing at the glittering diamond on my left hand, I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth.

Me: OMG, it’s been flipping years!

Shaw: Yup.

Shaw: I think it’s time you started making plans.

Me: It’s not that easy…