Page 18 of Simply Lies

“Don’t call me that. That’s reserved for friends. And we’re not there yet.”

Agree with her to build that common ground and a degree of reasonableness.

“I understand, Mickey, or do you prefer Ms. Gibson?”

“Mickey is fine. And your name?”

“Just call me Arlene.”

“So sticking with the fake name then?”

Use her own words against her.

“As you said, we’re not there yet,Mickey.”

“So, the business you and Pottinger were involved in?”

“The businesshewas involved in was not legal. The business he and I were engaged in was perfectly aboveboard.”

“Then why the fear of the police?”

“I didn’t say I was afraid of the police, did I?”

“I think you did.”

She frowned and wrote in her spiral notebook:CHECK THAT.

“If I did, then I misspoke. There are others involved here, and anyone in their right minds should be afraid of them.”

“Let’s focus on Pottinger and his business for now.”

She looked over at the adjustable mirror next to her computer. She slipped off her dark wig and put on a blond one.

“Okay, that sounds like a plan.”

“Good,” said Gibson.

She worked with the strands, letting some dangle in front of her eyes, giving her a mysterious look. She picked up a tube of lipstick and applied a bright cherry red color to her lips. It was the subtle things that changed you the most. And color was near the top of that list. Along with how you carried yourself, your voice, the eyes, the walk. It was a long list, really, and she was coming up with new items for it all the time.

Total transformation. Why be one person your whole life when you can be…anybody?

“What do you want to know?” she asked as she brushed out her new look, and applied some highlighter to her cheekbones and jawline. She hit her face with a small light and checked her reflection in the mirror.

“Principally the nature of the illegality of what he did.”

She glanced at a Post-it note.Start slow and build. Tap on, tap off. Make them want it.

“It was more than one thing. And it’s complicated after that. Very complicated.”

She looked at another note.Employ self-deprecation and vulnerability to encourage sympathy and subsequent bonding.

“In fact, I can’t say that I completely understand it. If you want the truth, I feel way over my head with this. And I can’t get the vision of Dan’s dead body out of my mind. I haven’t slept well since.”

Gibson said, “Itwasdisturbing, and I’ve had some experience with that.”

“I’ve had none, until now.”

She looked at another note.Drop deity reference for gravity and sincerity.